Jul. 8th, 2012 @ 05:06 pm The Snapeliest Time of the Year |
Current Mood: busy The annual holiday fest sign-up season is fast approaching, and we have some mixed news for all our faithful Snape fans.
The bad new is: due to overwhelming family and personal real-life issues, we will not be running the Snapely Holidays Exchange this year. We're very sorry about this, but there are just too many things going on in RL right now, and we wouldn't be able to devote the time and energy to the Exchange that it needs.
However - the good news is: what we would like to do is invite you all to submit any Snape-related fic or art you would like, any time between now and mid-December, and starting December 1, we can post any submissions to the community for everyone to enjoy. We will post some lists of prompts, and in addition, we will have an open post for people to submit fic and art prompts for inspiration. Also, feel free to check previous years' signups for ideas, or just listen to your muse.
Submissions should be emailed to snapelyholidays@gmail.com
Thanks for your understanding - we hope to bring you another holiday season of Snapely goodness, one way or another! |