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Dec. 28th, 2011 @ 12:59 am gift fic for kinky_kneazle, Snape/Lupin, adult

Recipient: kinky_kneazle

Author: r_grayjoy
Title: A Carol Sung Off Key
Characters: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17, adult
Content Info: *wall!sex, frottage, masturbation, somewhat unintended
voyeurism, snark, silliness, Dickens is spinning in his grave
Summary: Seven months after the end of the war, Severus is as much of a miserable, disagreeable misanthrope as ever. Then Lupin arrives bearing a message. Said message is absurd, not to mention unoriginal. Also, Lupin makes a terrible Jacob Marley.
Disclaimer: Anything you recognize belongs to Rowling or Dickens. Anything utterly ludicrous most likely belongs to me.
Word count: ~13,900
Author Notes: My most heartfelt thanks to those who kept me from falling in the muck while I slogged my way though this and then still liked me enough afterward to beta for me. <3 (Also, I realized that my beta and support crew this time around can be abbreviated "SNERT", which, considering the tone of this fic, amuses me far more than it probably should.)

Another heap of gratitude and groveling to the [info]snapelyholidays mods for being incalculably awesome.

In addition, Mr. Black would like to thank E. for his huge piece of meat.

Dear kinky_kneazle: When I read your list of likes, somehow "Christmas/holiday themes" and "time travel" blended in my head and produced... this. (Also, I might have taken "friends supporting the relationship" a little farther than you had in mind. *snicker*) I tried to put a bit of a new spin on an old theme here. In any case, writing for you was great fun. Hope you enjoy, and very happy holidays to you!

( A Carol Sung Off Key )

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Dec. 16th, 2011 @ 01:06 am gift fic for someoldcat, Snape/Mcgonagall, adult

Recipient: someoldcat

Author: kelly_chambliss
Title: To Some a Gift
Characters: Snape/McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, OCs
Rating: R, adult (NWS)
Content Info: *Spanking, caning, frottage (sort of), hurt/comfort. Corporal punishment of a child.*
Summary: After Voldemort's first defeat, Severus has a great deal to atone for. Minerva finds a way to help him.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~6,330
Author's Notes someoldcat, your prompt proved to be quite an interesting challenge. Here’s what I tried to include from your want list: "redemption stories, Severus confronting his demons, all manner of hurt/comfort, and some darker elements…[Severus] portrayed as awkward, inexperienced, and shy." I'd intended to write more of a dom!Minerva, but she wouldn't cooperate. Still, I managed to include a few of your kinks (spanking, frottage), and I hope this Severus is the character you wanted to see. In any case, I really do think he feels better now!

My super-grateful thanks to my two betas, T and V.

( To Some a Gift )

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Dec. 1st, 2011 @ 12:04 am Gift for kelly_chambliss, Snape/Rosmerta, adult

Recipient: kelly_chambliss

Author: [info]kinky_kneazle
Title: The Back Booth of the Three Broomsticks
Characters: Snape/Rosmerta, unrequited Snape/Lily
Rating: NC-17 (NWS)
Content Info: *frottage, virginal!Snape, older woman/younger man, very slight AU (I had to move a small bit of Book 6 timeline to make the story work). Snape is still a student when the affair starts, but is definitely of age, and Rosmerta is never his Professor*
Summary: It seemed that every time his life went through an upheaval, Severus found himself sitting in the back booth of the Three Broomsticks.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~4,150
Author Notes: With much love to L for the beta - my work is always better for her input. And thanks to the mods for the initial brainstorming. kelly_chambliss, this isn't at all what I pictured when I started, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

( The Back Booth of the Three Broomsticks )

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Jan. 1st, 2011 @ 12:11 am Gift fic for countess_hp, A Very Good Year, adult

Recipient: countess_hp

Author: odogoddess

Title: A Very Good Year

Characters: Severus/Lucius

Rating: Adult/R

Content Info: *frottage, coming in clothes*

Prompt used/Summary: Severus has always looked up to Lucius, he would do anything that Lucius asked of him.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic wrote it without making one shiny coin or crispy bill for it and has no expectation of any.

Word count: ~2,610

Author Notes: Happy Snapely Holidays, countess_hp!

( A Very Good Year )

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Dec. 26th, 2010 @ 01:44 am Gift fic for schemingreader, The Unexpurgated Version, NC-17

Recipient: schemingreader

Author: lookfar

Title: The Unexpurgated Version

Characters: Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, James Sirius, Albus and Lily Potter.

Rating: NC-17

Content Info: Warnings or enticements for hot man-on-man sex.

Prompt used: Any story in which you credibly get Snape together with one of these men in which both are adults (or at least, both teens over the age of consent) and both are fully consenting is good. If you can get them there without making Snape significantly less prickly, that's good too!

Love develops between Snape and male character of your choice who has casual sex with him, not realizing he is emotionally vulnerable. (Bonus points if Snape doesn't realize it, either!)

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. Nothing here is for personal profit.

Word count: ~10,673

Author Notes: Many thanks to my intelligent and perspicacious beta, to be named, who improves my work in every way.

( The Unexpurgated Version )

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Dec. 21st, 2010 @ 01:14 am Gift fic for r_grayjoy, Raising Severus, R

Recipient: r_grayjoy

Author: alisanne

Title: Raising Severus

Characters: Severus Snape/Harry Potter, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall

Rating: R/Adult

Content Info: *AU, EWE *

Summary: After leaving the Aurors, Harry takes over as Potions master for Hogwarts, and discovers a mystery in the most unlikely place.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Word count: ~16,000

Author Notes: r_grayjoy, hope you enjoy this. I tried to include as many of your requests as I could. Happy Snapely Holidays!
A special thank you to my beta reader, to my writing group, and to the mods for again hosting this fabulous Snape love fest.

( Raising Severus )

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Dec. 26th, 2009 @ 12:48 am fic for fluffyllama 'A Place Between Sleep and Waking' (Snape/Harry)

Fic for: [info]fluffyllama
Title: A Place Between Sleep and Waking
Author: [info]r_grayjoy

Pairing: Snape/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Info: highlight between brackets if you prefer story warnings:
[no nasty surprises]
Summary: More than a year after Voldemort's defeat, Harry is still having nightmares about Snape's death. When his dreams gradually begin to change, so do his perceptions. Ultimately, Harry discovers that when one lives in both the past and the future, it's difficult to find one's present. [EWE]
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit has been made, as evidenced by the sorry state of the author's bank account.
Word count: ~29.000
Author Notes: We seem to share a lot of likes, [info]fluffyllama, so I hope this fic will suit your fancy. Happy holidays!

My enormous gratitude to The E.R. -- my emergency cheerleaders who were available 24 hours -- and the utterly awesome Flying Violet Cat Beta Team. I could never have pulled this off without you all!

Thanks also to the [info]snapelyholidays mods for continuing this fabulous fest.

Fic for fluffyllama )

x-posted to DreamWidth & LiveJournal
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Dec. 25th, 2009 @ 12:05 am fic for midnight_birth 'On The Lam' (Snape/Percy)

Fic for: [info]midnight_birth
Title: On the Lam
Author: [info]joanwilder

Pairing: Snape/Percy
Rating: NC-17
Content Info: highlight between brackets for specifics: [consensual m/m including frottage & oral]
Summary: When Severus Snape is unexpectedly the victim of a Wizengamot gone awry, he discovers that the wizarding world rallies around its heroes.
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter Universe is the property of J.K. Rowling and her book and film companies. I make no money from writing fanfiction.
Word count: ~43,000
Author Notes: To my recipient: this is a Snape/Percy first-time story. Snape never died. I hit quite a few of your requests, hoping to make this something you'll enjoy. To my beta reader, thanks again for working all day, then coming home at night and slaving away on this. And to the Fest Mods, thanks for your patience and willingness to run a holiday fest for us to play in.

Fic for midnight_birth )

x-posted to DreamWidth & LiveJournal
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Dec. 24th, 2008 @ 05:33 pm Snapely Holidays Holiday entry 2 of 3, 'Under Any Other Circumstances' (SS/HP)

Fic for: lesyeuxverts
Title: Under Any Other Circumstances

Pairing Snape/Harry
Rating NC-17
Warnings Post-war, EWE.
Summary When Harry discovers that Snape is still alive, he's determined to see him. Getting Snape to even let him through the front door of his home, however, requires a unique set of circumstances.
Disclaimer The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count 6,550
Author Notes Thanks first and foremost to the long-suffering [info]snapelyholidays mods. Heaps of love and chocolate to my betas and everyone who cheered me on while this fic fought me every step of the way.

lesyeuxverts, it took me ages to come up with this bunny, but I finally took one of your suggestions, gave it a twist, and ran with it. I hope it pleases.

Fic for lesyeuxverts )
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Dec. 15th, 2008 @ 12:07 am 15th Snapely Holidays Entry - Chasing Ghosts (Snape/Lupin)

Fic for: [info]lore
Title: Chasing Ghosts

Pairing Snape/Lupin
Rating NC-17
Warnings anal sex, angst, explicit sex, frottage, hurt/comfort, mentions of Remus/Sirius.
Summary Circa PoA, Severus and Remus find temporary solace in one another's arms. Severus, though, cannot escape the doubts - the ghosts - of his and Remus' adolescent past.
Disclaimer The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count ~1,160
Author Notes Writing this fic reminded me why it is that I don't write more Snape - I can't. My apologies to lore for its general inadequacy - I feel it suffers from a touch of 'Top Gear' syndrome: ambitious, but rubbish.

Fic for lore )
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Dec. 10th, 2008 @ 12:25 am 10th Snapely Holidays Entry - Into My Hands (Snape/Dumbledore)

mouse w/checklist
Fic for: [info]purplefluffycat
Title: Into My Hands

Pairing Snape/Dumbledore
Rating R
Warnings Allusions to canonical deaths, UST, a variety of sexual interaction including, shall we say, fellatio and frottage, and a little bit of story set (in the words of Magenta from the Rocky Horror Picture Show) "...in another dimension, with voyeuristic intention"
Summary It was a perfect summer. But even perfect summers must someday reach an end.
Disclaimer The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count ~5,860
Author Notes Somewhere, right near the end, this took a bit of a detour down Crack!Fic Road. However, that does mean that we aren't left with unmitigated angst! Many thanks to my mystery beta.

Fic for purplefluffycat )
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