
October 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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No fanfic or art posts, but you can promote your fanfic and fanart, or post recommendations, every Friday.

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03:29 pm: [info]sylvanawood A 4 foot Snape Banner!
08:04 pm: [info]sylvanawood Snapecast Episode 23 is up
04:55 pm: [info]sylvanawood Brit list - foul language
10:48 am: [info]sylvanawood Rickman to the rescue?
11:34 am: [info]sylvanawood Slytherin, Houses and their elements - discuss!
09:14 am: [info]sylvanawood Symbolic analysis of the asphodel and wormwood line
09:50 am: [info]sylvanawood New S.N.A.P.E. art contest!
05:59 pm: [info]sylvanawood Portrait Scenarios: How the final scene should have been written
12:40 am: [info]sylvanawood October Challenge: Thoughts on Snape after DH
01:05 am: [info]sylvanawood Friday Fic Rec: Always
08:12 am: [info]sylvanawood Timing
09:47 am: [info]sylvanawood Actions in Chamber of Secrets
09:49 am: [info]sylvanawood Snape as unacknowledged mentor
01:24 pm: [info]sylvanawood Friday Rec
03:00 pm: [info]sylvanawood Friday Fic Rec (A Quick Self-Pimp)
11:15 pm: [info]sylvanawood Friday recs
09:19 pm: [info]sylvanawood a draft of my final thoughts on DH
05:47 pm: [info]sylvanawood "Taming the Prince": a psychoanalytical essay about Snape and JKR
02:42 pm: [info]sylvanawood A different motivation for joining the Death Eaters
06:53 pm: [info]sylvanawood Suggestion for a Fic Fest: Adopt a Snape
12:57 pm: [info]sylvanawood META
05:13 pm: [info]sylvanawood Friday Rec
09:55 pm: [info]sylvanawood I come bearing recs
11:40 pm: [info]sylvanawood I'm going to be a total pimp
03:14 pm: [info]sylvanawood October challenge. Snape after DH - 3 Patronuses
10:26 pm: [info]sylvanawood Thoughts about Severus Snape post DH
10:33 pm: [info]sylvanawood Post DH quotes by JKR
10:09 am: [info]sylvanawood In case you haven't seen it yet, JKR speaks again...
11:11 am: [info]sylvanawood Alec Hopkins videos
12:32 pm: [info]sylvanawood For all you LITERATURE (and Snape) LOVERS out there...
03:15 pm: [info]sylvanawood A Big Man: The Savaging and Salvaging of Severus Snape
03:02 am: [info]sylvanawood Meta-meta: some thoughts on the limitations of viewing Snape as a nerd
05:23 pm: [info]sylvanawood a little offsides -- amusingly relevant quotes
08:17 pm: [info]sylvanawood (no subject)
09:42 am: [info]sylvanawood JKR on religion
08:51 am: [info]sylvanawood The Highest Value
11:29 am: [info]sylvanawood And more JKR...
12:49 pm: [info]sylvanawood Pimping SS & the HBP
09:53 pm: [info]sylvanawood Self-pimpage: Serpensortia
01:52 am: [info]sylvanawood JKR Speaks Vindictively About Snape Again
10:09 am: [info]sylvanawood Snape's culpability in Lily's death
05:17 pm: [info]sylvanawood Albus Dumbledore is G-----Y?????
12:44 pm: [info]sylvanawood Geri-chan's Essays, Reviews, Etc. - 1 Patronus
03:51 pm: [info]sylvanawood I want you to work, my dears!
04:02 pm: [info]sylvanawood Sylvanawood's Rants and Essays
10:23 pm: [info]sylvanawood Interesting Commentary
02:53 pm: [info]sylvanawood Hope_24's essays and posts.
04:42 pm: [info]sylvanawood Sir Ian McKellen on understanding one's character
02:34 am: [info]sylvanawood Rattlesnakeroot/Silver Ink Pot Essays and Satire - 2 Patronuses
01:19 pm: [info]sylvanawood Something that every Snapeista should read (Not Snape-specific but still applicable)
01:47 pm: [info]sylvanawood maryh10000 essays - 1 Patronus
10:52 pm: [info]sylvanawood mary-j-59's essays: - 1 Patronus
02:00 pm: [info]sylvanawood Comparison between The Dark is Rising and the Harry Potter series
03:43 pm: [info]sylvanawood (no subject)
11:33 am: [info]sylvanawood Fandom News, Gathered From Unusual Spots.
06:12 pm: [info]sylvanawood What If? A Question of a Job
12:41 am: [info]sylvanawood A Response to JKR
03:55 am: [info]sylvanawood Dear Ms. Rowling: What About My "Good Guy" Syndrome? - 2 Patronuses
10:54 pm: [info]sylvanawood (no subject)
02:15 pm: [info]sylvanawood New Affiliate and October Challenge
03:01 pm: [info]sylvanawood *November Challenge: The Great Snape Escape*
04:51 pm: [info]sylvanawood Example post for the November challenge
09:16 pm: [info]sylvanawood (no subject)
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