
October 25th, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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October 25th, 2007

Rattlesnakeroot/Silver Ink Pot Essays and Satire

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Original poster: rattlesnakeroot

I am "Rattlesnakeroot" on LJ, but also write as "Silver Ink Pot"

on Harry Potter Network and Mugglenet Editorials.


Something that every Snapeista should read (Not Snape-specific but still applicable)

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Original poster: elphaba_of_oz

Harry Potter and the author who wouldn't shut up:

I couldn't agree with this more. My Snape is not lying dead in a pool of blood in some abandoned room, or serving as worm food in the Hogsmead cemetary. I don't give a hoot about whatever it is that JKR's Snape is doing right now. My Snape will do whatever I want him to on any given day.

maryh10000 essays

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Original poster: maryh10000

I'm rather new here, but I've got a few essays elsewhere. 

mary-j-59's essays:

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Original poster: mary_j_59

Well, I started my livejournal mostly in order to talk about Half Blood Prince, and I've been talking and talking ever since! Links to the essays on my blog to follow (I hope):

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