
October 27th, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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October 27th, 2007

Fandom News, Gathered From Unusual Spots.

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Original poster: catherinecookmn

Got this over at the Dark Christianity LJ group (where I don't usually find my Potterverse news):

The person shutting her site down because she thinks that a gay character in the Potterverse is amoral is also the person who was most famous a few years ago for drawing and showing a pic of naked-Snape-in-bathtub, his genitals obscured by soap foam and bubbles. For a fee, IIRC, she'd send you a version of that pic without the bubbles, as well as other naughty pics. (Here's a reference to said bathtub pic, thanks to the magic of Google. The original link was over at her site on but that doesn't work anymore.)

This has been your Weird Potterverse News From Unusual Sources for the day. :-)

(Crossposted to [info]snapedom and my own LJ.)

UPDATE: Thanks to [info]sander123, who found an archived version of the covered-by-bubbles version of the bathtub pic. Do you see that he's reading a National Geographic? Back before Playboy and the like, American men (if not British ones) would use this mag as a 'respectable' way to ogle naked women, since it was considered 'okay' to look at naked women if they came from the developing world and weren't white women.

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