
October 4th, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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October 4th, 2007

Symbolic analysis of the asphodel and wormwood line

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Original poster: peignoir

Zgirnius at cosforums came up with this reading, which I thought I'd share with you:

"I actually considered this scene [the first Potions lesson] the first clue in the series that Snape had loved Lily Evans, and my personal favorite. The quote in my signature is a one-sentence statement of Snape's life story in symbolic terms. Asphodel, a Lily Family plant, is associated in mythology with the dead. Wormwood is a plant known for its bitterness. So as I see it, Rowling is telling us here that Snape loved and lost Lily (asphodel), and the bitterness of his knowledge that he bears responsibility for that (wormwood) has made his life like a living death."

New S.N.A.P.E. art contest!

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Original poster: venturous1

What would Severus wear (or NOT!) for Halloween?


• Entries must be created in the splendiferous ArtPad. Be sure to make screen caps, as ArtPad is notoriously unreliable.

• you may reference other versions of the Late October Holiday such as Samhain, Dia De Los Muertes, All Saints Day etc.

• Deadline is  Saturday, October 27th at midnight.

(Yes, I know this is a bit early, but I am traveling Oct 29-Nov 14, and may not be online often)
Besides, there will still be time to create your own costume from fabulous SNAPEART Inspirations!
• Most importantly, HAVE FUN!

Portrait Scenarios: How the final scene should have been written

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Original poster: bohemianspirit

My sister and I were hanging out the other night, and we got talking about how the final scene of Deathly Hallows SHOULD have been written...

DH spoilers, of course, behind the cut... )

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