
October 20th, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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October 20th, 2007

JKR Speaks Vindictively About Snape Again

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Original poster: rattlesnakeroot

Well, here we go again . . . JKR was a Carnegie Hall tonight, and she saved her venomous view of Snape for last:

The last question of the night referred to Snape’s portrait and Harry and she answered that Harry would have insisted that it be hung in the headmaster’s office at Hogwarts but that he probably would not have visited it to converse with Snape. Jo is still surprised when she reads that fans are torn about Snape and unequivocally stated that Snape was "bitter, vindictive and mean."

EDIT: I've added the new transcript from Leaky Cauldron under the cut here instead of creating a new post. The original reporting last night was very negative, and the new version is less so, but she still says that Snape "abdicated" his post as Headmaster, and that even though he was brave and loving, he was also mean and vindictive and not really good. Oy - if she had just put his portrait in the office, she wouldn't have to waste time explaining this now - it's stupid because the Portraits there knew he was working on the good side and they overheard all his talks with Dumbledore. I think this is lame, but judge for yourself:

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Snape's culpability in Lily's death

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Original poster: cardigrl

Please let me if I'm just clueless here (and I _really_ mean that), but in light of Rowling's last interview, which adds fuel to my earlier questions elsewhere....

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