
October 31st, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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October 31st, 2007

New Affiliate and October Challenge

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Original poster: sylvanawood

We have a new affiliate, the new community [info]slytherin_haus.  Go and take a look.

Today, our October Challenge ends. I will post the banners for all of you some time next week. Please check the listing under our October Challenge link to see if you're on it, or if you forgot to tag it. If it isn't on the list, please give the entry the tag 'October Challenge', then it will appear there.

I'll post the new November Challenge soon, since I'll be away for a few days again. But you all get along so splendidly, you don't really need me. Thank you all for that, that needs to be said sometimes! :)haus

*November Challenge: The Great Snape Escape*

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Original poster: sylvanawood

This month, for this challenge, our "no fanfiction" rule is not in effect. Give us meta and fic, Snapedom members!

We put a stopper in death, that's the motto of this community. JKR can say what she wants, but the fact remains that there was no body, no funeral, no afterlife-ghost and no Headmaster portrait. This is a strong indication that our beloved Severus got away, despite evidence to the contrary. We do know him as a skilled potions brewer and a very skilled healer and DADA expert, after all. So now we're asking you: how exactly did he get away?

If writing meta isn't your thing, write us a short ficlet about how you think he survived. It shouldn't be longer than 1000 words. You can use older ficlets, write new ones, or cut a fragment out of an existing fic that relates to the topic. I will make a post with one of mine as an example.

Essays don't have word restrictions, they can be as short or as long as you like.

When you write a ficlet, please keep in mind that we want the fic to discuss ways how he got away, so there'll be discussion about that aspect, not necessarily only squee abuout the fic (although that, too, will happen, I'm sure ;) )

This idea to this challenge comes from my lovely comod [info]melusin_79.

Have fun with the challenge, and bring the theories on.

(*The title was stolen shamelessly from one of [info]_vocalion_'s fics.*)

Example post for the November challenge

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Original poster: sylvanawood

An excerpt from a fic I wrote shortly after DH was published. This has, according to MS Word, 406 words.

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Original poster: guinnevere_b

Last night I went looking for a certain fan story I enjoyed, but the link was broken. So I went to the author's blog and, what do you know, she had taken down all of her fanfics, basically because they disagreed with Joanne Rowling's ideas about the nature of Severus Snape, and in her estimation Joanne Rowling is a genius, so she'd rather not be reminded that she ever got it all SO WRONG, thanks very much.

How ironic: she's a much better writer than JKR. DH was utter crap: Rowling wrote herself into a corner throughout the span of the first six books, and then relied on several Old Saws to cut herself an exit, right through the wall she was backed up against. Unfortunately, it was a load-bearing wall, and by the end of DH the entire structure had collapsed.

It troubles me that so many people would rather suck up to an author who got most of her characters' psychology, not to mention the morality, all wrong, than to think for themselves.

Of course, she's rich and popular and rather attractive, so it fits in neatly with her philosophy of life. Sad, really.

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