
October 7th, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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October 7th, 2007

"Taming the Prince": a psychoanalytical essay about Snape and JKR

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Original poster: sigune

I am sorry that I cannot at the moment offer a proper introduction to it, but I wanted to draw your attention to cabepfir's interesting essay on J. K. Rowling and Snape. I tend to be skeptical about psychoanalytical readings of literature, but I am the first to agree that the Potter series offers plenty of scope - and cabepfir does a truly excellent job analysing the books, with special emphasis on Snape. Her essay has opened my eyes to a lot of my own responses to the character of the ex-Potions master both before and after DH, and if I do get round to writing my own appraisal for the October challenge, you will no doubt find cabepfir's influence featuring strongly in it :-).

The essay is at deviantART:

"Taming the Prince"

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