
October 12th, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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October 12th, 2007


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Original poster: ensnarryed

Greetings, everybody.  I would like to post a META-type of writing here.  It does not directly concern Snape, though, so I would appreciate a holler if it is not the type of thing that belongs in this community.  

Friday Rec

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Original poster: sylvanawood

For the SS/HG shippers here: I don't think this has been recced yet. A refreshing, lovely post-DH story by
: A Fresh Start
The link goes to Chapter 1, you need to go to the journal and find your way to the next chappies from there.

Have fun.

I come bearing recs

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Original poster: jezebel_faust

I don't know about you, but there are a few pairings for Snape that I just don't like--so I don't read them. I back away as quickly as possible. I'm not a fan of cross-gen stories in general, and Snarry is my least favorite of all. And I hate OC characters in any and every fandom, so I certainly don't like them paired with Snape.

So. Here are some stories that are so good they overcame all my nasty prejudices. (I hope it is okay to post direct links to NC-17 stories here--if not, let me know and I will be vague them up.)

The Not Over Series by [info]schemingreader and cruisedirector
 Pairing: Snarry
Rating: NC-17 (each story has explicit sex, but it's not just explicit sex)
The series begins twenty years post-DH, one year post-epilogue, and takes on the challenge of writing Snarry while remaining true to DH canon.

A More Merciful Man by Berkana
Pairing: Snape/OFC
Rating: NC-17 (some chapters have explicit sex; you have to register at Occlumency to read it)
A long WIP begun before DH but set after the final battle, and so cheerfully noncanonical. And I do mean cheerfully.

I'm going to be a total pimp

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Original poster: death_ofme

 And pimp myself shamelessly. (ok, a little shame)

Seven Deadly Sins
Pairing: Snape/Hermione
Rating: Subject to change
My main archive for [info]grangersnape100 drabbles. Most recent series updated is from the Challenge: Page 197 and is a mesh of SS/HG and Lolita.

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