Sep. 1st, 2011


Who: Zack Fair and OPEN
When: Friday morning
Where: A sidewalk somewhere in the city
What: Zack should never be left to his own devices.
Rating: Safe for all ages.
Status: Open, in progress

Angeal hadn't called Zack fair a puppy without good reason. )

Aug. 27th, 2011


Who: Linda Carter.
When: Backdated. Monday 4th of July
Where: Metropolitan General Hospital. The Room on the Right.
What: Linda writes a letter. Or at leats tries to.
Rating/status: PG/Closed.

Dear Christine...  )

Aug. 8th, 2011


How very ... primitive

Who: Simon, Linda
What: coping -- or trying to -- with the medical "knowledge" in 1964
When: Monday evening
Where: Diner near the Welcome Center
Rating: Low
Status: --

This went beyond archaic ... )

Jul. 26th, 2011


Who: Selina Kyle and Linda Carter
What: Selina's in pretty bad shape
When: Tuesday night
Where: Metropolitan General
Rating: Low
Status: Completed

Damned fire escapes... )

Jul. 5th, 2011


Who: Linda Carter and Bill Compton.
When: Backdated. Monday 4th of July
Where: Metropolitan General Hospital. The Room on the Right.
What: Working the night shift.
Rating/status: TBD.

4th of July was a time of celebration.  )

Jun. 18th, 2011


Who: Tony Stark and OPEN TO EVERYONE
What: A day at the races
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: The World's Fair
Warnings: None
OOC: See here and feel free to post separate threads!

He would never turn down the opportunity to drive a car extremely fast... )

Jun. 2nd, 2011


Who: The Doctor and Open.
When: Wednesday Evening.
Where:  A random street in New York City.
What: Arrival.
Rating/Status: PG/Open