Jul. 30th, 2011


Who: The Tenth Doctor, open to Jack Harkness
When: Sometime after this, but before Saturday monring
Where: The TARDIS, parked outside the Welcome Center
What: The Doctor contemplates the reasons Jack wanted him to keep quiet, and finds himself dreading any sort of reunion with Torchwood.
Rating: Low at the moment
Status: Complete narrative or open thread for Jack

It wouldn't surprise him at all if Jack walked through the doors of the TARDIS and punched him by way of hello. )

Jun. 18th, 2011


Who: Tony Stark and OPEN TO EVERYONE
What: A day at the races
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: The World's Fair
Warnings: None
OOC: See here and feel free to post separate threads!

He would never turn down the opportunity to drive a car extremely fast... )

Jun. 1st, 2011


Who: Jack Harkness and Sookie Stackhouse.
When: Wednesday Evening.
Where: Corner of 5th Ave and 58th Street.
What: Arrival.
Rating/Status: R, Open.
He looked around him and noticed something odd but nothing out of the ordinary. At least he was on Earth. The 'WHEN' was the issue. 'New York City,' he groaned, reaching up and scratching the back of his neck. 'Lovely.' )