Aug. 26th, 2011


Who: The Tenth Doctor, open
When: Friday evening
Where: Central Park
What: Noticing his other self on the boards gave the Doctor a bit of a shock. Since his running away default, taking the TARDIS to another time and place, is currently not an option, he adapts by running away to Central Park. If anyone asks, he can always say he's just out for a walk.
Rating: Low at the moment
Status: open

There were things the Doctor could say to his other self, so many things that he couldn't find an end to them. )

Aug. 11th, 2011


Who: Romana & the (10th) Doctor.
When: Thursday Afternoon.
Where: The streets of this Winter Wonderland.
What: Getting to know the place.
Rating/status: OPEN/TBD

Read more... )

Aug. 1st, 2011


Who: Amy Pond, 10th Doctor, (possibly others?)
When: Early afternoon Monday
Where: The TARDIS, parked outside the Welcome Center
What: Amy moves in.
Rating/status: G-PG/In Progress

This was probably a bad idea )

Jul. 30th, 2011


Who: The Tenth Doctor, open to Jack Harkness
When: Sometime after this, but before Saturday monring
Where: The TARDIS, parked outside the Welcome Center
What: The Doctor contemplates the reasons Jack wanted him to keep quiet, and finds himself dreading any sort of reunion with Torchwood.
Rating: Low at the moment
Status: Complete narrative or open thread for Jack

It wouldn't surprise him at all if Jack walked through the doors of the TARDIS and punched him by way of hello. )

Jul. 26th, 2011


Who: Rose Tyler and the Tenth Doctor
When: July 26, after this
Where: The TARDIS, parked just next to the Welcome Center
What: The Doctor and Rose are reunited, though it's not quite in the right order.
Rating: TBD, probably low
Status: Closed, In progress

The Doctor knew he was taking a huge risk, meeting with her now, when she didn't know him, not as this him, not yet. )

Jul. 24th, 2011


Who: Galen and the Tenth Doctor
When: Backdated to just after the Doctor's healed (July 20th)
Where: Galen's ship
What: The Doctor repays Galen for his help by answering a few questions.
Rating: Probably low
Status: Closed, In progress

He elected to accept Galen's offer, and so, the TARDIS had been parked inside another ship that happened to be bigger on the inside for the better part of a day while her pilot rested. )

Jul. 23rd, 2011


Who: Ten, Martha
What: Martha reunites with the Doctor
When: Saturday evening
Where: central park, near where hooverville used to be
Rating: Low, likely
Status: incomplete

It had been a crazy few days - weeks. Oh goodness, how long had she been here? )

Jul. 19th, 2011


Who: The Tenth Doctor + Donna + Open (multiple characters welcome)
When: July 19th, at night
Where: an alley near the Welcome Center
What: The Tenth Doctor expected to walk out of his TARDIS and find the Powell Estate. Instead, he finds himself alone in New York City.
Rating: Teen for angsty/dying Time Lord
Status: Open, in progress

He would grasp at every hour he could get, every moment he could stay as he was. )