June 16th, 2016



Mod Post: (O/T) Similar account names.

First off, Happy Thursday and I hope everyone is well. ~*~

I wanted to clarify that Shadowy Flight here on IJ is not affiliated with those who operate under the same name 'Shadowy Flight' throughout the fan sites.

Example. If you see a username on KRO that says 'shadowy flight', that is neither of us. I have a very different screen name on that forum. There was also a podcast several years ago called 'Shadowy Flight' that was run by a MJ Knight (?), and we aren't affiliated with that, either.

Shadowy Flight was really the only name we could come up with. The word 'Foundation' had already been taken by two fan forums, and I didn't want to add a third or create any drama since the replica site was only one given permission to use that name by a now-defunct site.

So I just wanted to clear that up. If you see 'Shadowy Flight' being used on KRO, or a FB group, or ANY KR site, that's not us. ;)