March 14th, 2009



I'm probably the only one who remembers these Kitt appearances.

Fight Back! on Wiki.

I doubt anyone has it, but I remember 'Kitt' making an appearance on this show back in the day. (I didn't get to see it, because I got in trouble for something, and was sent to my room. *tsks*)

I also remember Kitt was featured in an 80's Public Service Announcement. It started out focusing on his voice box, and slowly panning backwards. There were sirens and flashing lights too, I think. From what I remember of the dash, it was either season two, or season three. It had to do with buckling up, speeding, or drunk driving. I'm pretty sure William Daniels provided the narration for this PSA, and not some generic voice actor.

None of this info is very helpful, I know. But if anyone ever comes across either of these clips, please post them?

(Though I'll settle for anyone else remembering these, so I know I wasn't just dreaming them.)

Thanks. ;)