September 8th, 2008



Videos from Saugus.

Courtesy of Sue. (Who lost a lot of sleep in getting these up and ready for us fans.) The site works the same as YouTube, though slightly slower if you're like me and still have dial-up. Just hover over the video and click on the play button in the lower left hand corner.

Part one.

Part two. You have to hear Mr. Martinez's story about two girls he and someone else who worked on the show encountered during the first season. Those girls really wanted that KR jacket. O.o

Part three.

Part four.

Of course a BIG thanks to those who put this event together. To Sue, Michael, and everyone for sharing their photos and videos with those of us who couldn't attend. And to Mr. Glen Larson, Stu Phillips, Michael Scheffe, and Ron Martinez for attending the event, and taking the time out to share their experiences and interact with the fans.

Quite a busy time for our little fandom, huh? :D