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Jul. 23rd, 2011


I don't see what the problem is. I can't set appointments, but I'm hardly complaining.


This recent thing just makes me feel like I am back home again. I managed to get a hold of a lot of candles so that is something.

Filtered against Arthur
I know now may seem like the wrong time, but it is Arthur's birthday a week on Wednesday. I had hoped that perhaps we could all get together for a feast which I can prepare, unless others wish to help. Yes it would be a birthday celebration for him but it would also give us all a chance to really get to know each other and those who have only recently arrived. I had hoped to have it just like home, even down to the clothing, which I will willingly help with.

I would appreciate any help and I hope some of you would be willing to attend.

Jun. 10th, 2011


Filtered against Marauders

MERLIN! Just when I thought it can't get worse! Uhh.. no, not the real Merlin. Expression. Why muggles also invoke their gods or Christ as a curse is also strange HE is here! Yes.. Him. All there and solid, dark robes, and pasty white bald head! He's crazy too. Potter, you're going to kill him now, yes? Please do it fast. I know we don't get along exactly, but you can be the hero we need but not deserve right now. Or the other way around? However it goes. Scor and Lily Potter, please be careful. I don't want him to hurt you, especially when you're good together. This is really insane.

But let me reiterate for everyone again. The. Dark. Lord. Is. Here. Yes, HERE!! He laughed, then glared, and then berated me for being a failure, that it's a miracle I didn't die before now, and said he planned to kill me slow. But with torture first. After making me watch him kill everyone I know. Vic, I am sorry. I cannot come into work. I'm not leaving my room. Again Well, least now we can find out if the Stefan and Damon are worse than Voldemort, since I was told they were worse. Been watching that show and still haven't seen them with followers, or an evil symbol in sky, with dark robe, or killing muggles with magi

Jun. 5th, 2011


This place is cruel. It really is.

May. 31st, 2011


[filtered to Guinevere, Merlin, Morgana]

I had heard there was a television show. I thought it had more to do with the stories that have apparently grown over the years, but it is literally about us. It came on after something I had been watching.

I probably should have turned it off.

I'm no longer confused as to why it's called "Merlin"

[filtered to Robin]

I understand now why you recommended against learning anything of my future. As it happens, my present and my past were also a problem area.

May. 21st, 2011


Must we stay in the positions of work we arrived in or can you look into something else?

May. 8th, 2011


Does anyone know where I could get fabrics and a needle with some thread? I would rather like to make some new dresses.

May. 2nd, 2011


Text to Arthur

I need to talk to you.

May. 1st, 2011


Is this damage something you intend to fix, Petersen? Or are we left to our own devices?

Apr. 27th, 2011


I understand from what others have said that my home wasn't the only to wake up to fire. Is everyone all right?

Apr. 25th, 2011


So this would be what having too much sugar feels like? Thank you whoever left the basket.


I have to wonder what chocolate has to do with the celebration of Easter. Not to mention chickens and eggs and rabbits. Not that I am complaining, and thank you for all of that, Elena.

Apr. 22nd, 2011


I see this place has been used often, so I feel I should at least become familiar with it. Though it is rather strange isn't it?

Apr. 19th, 2011


This place is a bit dull, discounting the random bouts of children.

Apr. 12th, 2011


I found a cake.

Apr. 11th, 2011




((OOC: Arthur has found his phone. :D He's barely even figured it out as an adult, so lord knows how he managed to send this out...))