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Jun. 18th, 2011


Right, yeah. This is just great. It was nice to see my grandfather and Dobby again. But last night wasn't so good. Nothing like being told you're a disappointment. Especially if it's something told to you by not just anyone. Someone close. Sirius, I turned my back on him (or so he said), so you can be happy now I should have been happy to see him, he seemed to be too.. before he went off on his blood purity tirades Least he didn't rap my knuckles with the cane for touching something in stores this time But then, it's not strangers who can make you feel so small and insignificant. Nothing like being told you're a waste or not in the family anymore. Guess I really don't have anyone after all. Except.. well, friends I have made here. And my son whom I am very proud of, and his girlfriend. My boss is good too. But it's odd. I saw Moldymort again.. except I could almost swear he didn't look solid. Very peculiar. This whole thing confuses me lately.

Private to Scor, Arthur, Elena, Vic, Lily E. Potter )

Jun. 16th, 2011


Filtered to Draco

Draco! Merlin is in! Isn't that just bloody fantastic? I mean he seemed like he really wanted to join! Imagine what we can learn from him! I mean he's bloody Merlin! I can't believe I talked to Merlin! It bloody sucks to keep seeing Bellabitch, but I feel more active against her than ever! How are you doing? Who else have you talked to that wants to be in the group?

Jun. 15th, 2011


I helped out a guest today. Well, she was gushing a bit too at first, but something she had was broke. I used magic to fix it. That was sort of fun. So if anyone else here in the resort, guest or employee, needs anything repaired? I'm quite skilled in that area. And I won't charge for it either. Completely free. I'd rather get paid, but honestly. What would I use it for when I already make good money for going above and beyond? Plus, I need something to keep me occupied so I don't get bored.

Filters; Phoebe, Lois, Scorpius, Harry, Tonks )

Jun. 14th, 2011


Okay so I did something weird. I know what some of you guys are thinking, Heather you always do weird stuff, you are weird. But this is... Different. Weird for even me. I was testing something out in my basement, and watched a movie called Paranormal Activity 2. Normally I don't really like scary movies, but I was in the scary movie mood. Anyway. Poof there I am. On the screen, only... It's not me. It's some girl named Kristi.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is, has anyone else done this? Have you accidentally come across something that 'you're' in?

Jun. 13th, 2011


He's alive! DOBBY!! He's here and alive! I guess my bitch aunt didn't succeed in killing him after all. He's a free elf now, but whatever. I'm just glad to see him again. Now if only I could see my girlfriend or future wife again, that would be ace.


I don't understand. Where am I?

Jun. 10th, 2011


Filtered against Marauders

MERLIN! Just when I thought it can't get worse! Uhh.. no, not the real Merlin. Expression. Why muggles also invoke their gods or Christ as a curse is also strange HE is here! Yes.. Him. All there and solid, dark robes, and pasty white bald head! He's crazy too. Potter, you're going to kill him now, yes? Please do it fast. I know we don't get along exactly, but you can be the hero we need but not deserve right now. Or the other way around? However it goes. Scor and Lily Potter, please be careful. I don't want him to hurt you, especially when you're good together. This is really insane.

But let me reiterate for everyone again. The. Dark. Lord. Is. Here. Yes, HERE!! He laughed, then glared, and then berated me for being a failure, that it's a miracle I didn't die before now, and said he planned to kill me slow. But with torture first. After making me watch him kill everyone I know. Vic, I am sorry. I cannot come into work. I'm not leaving my room. Again Well, least now we can find out if the Stefan and Damon are worse than Voldemort, since I was told they were worse. Been watching that show and still haven't seen them with followers, or an evil symbol in sky, with dark robe, or killing muggles with magi

Jun. 9th, 2011


She's... she's gone. Petersen can't have... no. Someone help me find her.

May. 6th, 2011



That's so strange. I could've sworn...

Jun. 5th, 2011


Why would Petersen bring a known deranged sociopathic Death Eater to Ridgeway? Bellatrix Black needs to be back in Azkaban or even better given the Kiss. I'm pretty sure the fans don't want to be crucioed into oblivion I don't care how in love with Harry Potter characters they are. Please everyone be safe.

[Private to Sirius and Remus]

Please have constant vigilance at all times. I'm worried. Bellatrix keeps popping up and threatening to kill us all and regular Death Eater Dogma and saying how I should've never been born and then disappearing. She doesn't have a wand though. She looks like a picture I saw of her that was taken while she was in Azkaban. In the mean time, if you haven't seen her yet, you should stay away from me. I don't think she knows that you're actually here and I want to keep it that way.

Jun. 2nd, 2011


I took a chance to watch another movie. I've been watching quite a bit on the TV and in the theater. Muggles are amusing Entertaining Can be so violent I tried out the one about Elektra. The beginning of it was.. alarming. She killed my father. Kind of. He looked a lot like him, wealthy, nice suit, but some sort of mobster or something. And his hair was short, not blond. Helps if I try to think of it as another guy.

Also, anybody see Clark around? I always thought he was a cool guy. Really nice. And special But I haven't seen him lately. We need heroes here. In case.. uhh.. he shows up. Oh! Wanted to ask, anybody got any extra booze? I'm all out. I'll pay you for it. Potter, you still here too? You should try some. It's good stuff. We should meet. Again.

May. 19th, 2011


It's Thursday night and I'm sober? I don't know what to do with myself.

Thank god for the summer hiatus.

Apr. 27th, 2011


Remus, congrats, you've just made it on the quidditch team. Which position do you want to play? And how is it going between you and my baby cousin? Have you reached the point of shagging each other senseless already?

Teddy, you will play quidditch with us, won't you?

Phoebe, are you feeling better? Did you ever ride a broom?


The living room table was on fire! Bloody hell, who would do that?? Thankfully, I was able to put it out. But.. there's another problem. The booze! All the alcohol. The new drinks I got. There's no.. kick.. to it. Not as much as before, anyway. Just not the same. What's the point of drinking if you can't get drunk That means I am going to get double or triple the amount of what I have. This is unacceptable.

Apr. 26th, 2011


Okay, let's not do that again. Maybe I shouldn't go to Teddy's party after all, just out of consideration for everyone else there At least I was kinda nice even as a kid Hmm, maybe I should do a couple more pranks shortly So.. I guess now that I'm old enough to work now. So I'll go do that. And maybe have more drinks when I get off. By the way, I still approve of Lily and my son It was nice being that young but naive. Even if I'd prefer that it wasn't repeated. Also? My opinion hasn't changed for myself now and age 10. I still think my aunt was a bitch for happened to Dobby.

I would also like to offer my services to anyone who wishes it. If you're nice, anyway, and don't blindly hate my family based on my father or for prejudices against house and name even if I myself have done nothing wrong at all in this place But particularly, if something is broken? Either by magical or muggle means. I am very skilled in the area of magical repair. And if I can help with that, I'd like to try. Maybe even get some.. brownie points, as muggles say

Apr. 25th, 2011


A while back, Sirius and I talked about putting together a quidditch match and now Tonks and I are talking about it again, so I was wondering who would be interested in being involved. If we can get enough people, I'd love to play again.

Edit: Please include all positions you can play and in order of preference.

Apr. 22nd, 2011


HP spoiler about character death )


[Scorpius Malfoy and Lily Luna Potter]

I feel I should just put this out there and want you both to know. I'm still not fully familiar what my older self is like, or why I became enemies with Potter (though I plan to read the books and find out), or the reasoning behind my decisions here in this place. I'm so lost on it. Some of it, anyway. But I do know this much. If I agreed with something or gave my approval on a matter, then I must have had a good reason for it. And I trust myself. Some days it feels that's the only one I can trust

So. The two of you. How you feel, what you do, what connects you. I understand the elder me had given his approval of it. And so, I see no reason why I shouldn't support it either. Don't know how I can, being ten years old and all, and fail to see how a child can adequately do any sort of decisions.. but it's there. I don't think we can control who we really wish to be with. It's like magic or a force of nature. So, there we have it. I completely support the decisions of both of you. I think that's what fathers are supposed to do. So that's what I do now. I wish you both the best.

Apr. 18th, 2011


Filtered to HP people

Hey guys...

So, I didn't do anything for my birthday a couple of weeks ago, but now that my mum and dad are here... I think we should have a party or dinner or something. I know we've all had our rough patches, but I'd really love to get together with all of you.

Apr. 17th, 2011


Hey, Scorpius? I'm here if you want to meet. Actually, I thought I'd surprise you and just come into your cabin if that is alright. It's #19, right? I'm here now. But I noticed something. Interesting, I didn't know we could have pets here aside from the owls. But.. there's a dog bowl, just walked right by it and it moved. So I went to set it back where it was, guess what? Moved again.

Barks when I tried canceling it off. That's a bit odd. What kind of hex was that, seems very advanced Anyway. Son, I'm here now if you want to meet. Or I can just sit and watch that.. TV thing.. until you can come back, if you're out now. Such magic in it! People inside it. Talking and moving.

Apr. 12th, 2011


ELENA GILBERT! You lied to my fragile child pysche! I remember being an adult now finally, and you are not a descendent of Godric Gryffindor.


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