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November 16th, 2011

[info]elenathegilbert in [info]ridgeway_comm

Alexia is a day old!!

[info]elenathegilbert in [info]ridgeway_comm

Petersen, I'm hurt. My one year anniversary of being at Ridgeway was on October 25th and you didn't even send me flowers. I'm quite honestly offended. offended I say.

PS: Thank you for giving Stefan and I this gift. And for bringing Damon back. And for bringing Stefan here to begin with. ILU.

[info]irradiated_ants in [info]ridgeway_comm

If anyone cares I liked what Laura did when she captured where she was in her pregnancy. And I needed something to help me feel good. So here's me, and Audrey Grace DiNozzo at twelve weeks, and three days. I meant to do this three days ago but I was in a b My boobs and my belly have finally started to communicate...

With this picture comes a little announcement. Where I was put to work, aren't the best places to work while pregnant. While yes, I do love both of my jobs, I love my baby more. So... From here on out you gotta contact Gibbs if there's something that needs to be fixed. And... Rachel, sorry sweetie but I wont be working in the Ice Room either, to much smoke and other things go on in there for it to be healthy for Audrey. I just don't have it in me to do it anymore, not with l

But since I can't completely stay out of music, you'll hear my cheery voice over the Radio. If you have any requests feel free to call me. And I'll play them over the intercom system too.

[info]letsgetwrecked in [info]ridgeway_comm

Text; Brooke

»Hey, leave your schedule for saturday open.

[info]lost_boy_jere in [info]ridgeway_comm

[Filtered to Vicki]

This is awkwa How're you doing Vicki?

You should come see Elena and Stefan's kid. She's cute.

You been watching the show? I hope you're doing okay. I haven't really seen you around the mansion much...

Yeah... I guess that's it.

[info]elenathegilbert in [info]ridgeway_comm

Is there anyone here besides X and Heather who are expecting babies at the moment?

To these two ladies and all the new mothers, I'd like to offer you all One free day a month at the spa where you can relax and be pampered. Trust me ladies, you all earned it and yo all deserve it.

[info]papadontpreach in [info]ridgeway_comm

All of this baby talk makes me really miss Beth. I really wish I knew how she was doing. I wish I could see her.

[info]moretalented in [info]ridgeway_comm

I still don't know why Santana left.

[info]heytherejuliet in [info]ridgeway_comm

I've been spending most of my time with my boyfriend lately, so I'm curious... how much of my family is still here?

[info]youcantwalkaway in [info]ridgeway_comm

Soon mini Lexi will be causing trouble like big Lexi. We'll double team Stefan.