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September 10th, 2011

[info]irradiated_ants in [info]ridgeway_comm

September 11, 2001 Do you remember?

So... It's been ten years. It really doesn't feel like ten years to me... But I remember that day the time... So clearly.

I was at my Dad's place... I was told I needed to finish packing up his stuff, or it was going to be auctioned off. Or thrown away.... So I was there at his house. Packing things up when it came over the radio... A plane had hit tower one of The World Trade Center. As they made the announcement. How I managed not to drop the plate I had in my hand... I don't know. I stopped what I was doing plugged up his TV, just in time enough to watch the second plane hit tower two. At 8:02 am, Central standard time. I didn't move from that spot for the rest of the day. I watched mind numbing, tragic history unfold...

It's a day I will never forget, if I live to be a thousand years old. What were you doing? How do you remember that day?

(Going to do an Ooc version of this tomorrow probably, no I'm not making a joke of something horrific. I know it had a huge impact on me, so I imagine it had a huge impact on my characters too, if they were alive at the time.)

[info]inyourgreeneyes in [info]ridgeway_comm

To whoever put pudding in my shoes; Hershey is very grateful. It gives him something a little tastier to chew on than the usual dull taste of expensive leather.

[info]little_ozzo in [info]ridgeway_comm

Hey Legs, you wanna go dancing? Minus the pudding?

Yes, Feathers, you and X are invited too.

[info]lucyimhome in [info]ridgeway_comm

[[Robin's office is now covered in a nice, pleasant smelling, layer of strawberry pudding. Pink and cheerful it froths delightfully down the panes of glass and wafts jauntily from the roof in enchanting little clumps.

It makes a gentle chuffing sound underfoot.]]

[info]robinofthehood in [info]ridgeway_comm

You could at the very least be original in your incorrect accusation, Gabriel.

[info]little_ozzo in [info]ridgeway_comm


Up for a movie or two? You've been quiet