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July 29th, 2011

[info]irradiated_ants in [info]ridgeway_comm

I feel like doing a happy dance! I'm a little more than half way to getting a way to get the power back on! I got the motor, the generator, the blades and the housing all formed and put together. Now all I gotta do is find a pole long and sturdy enough to hold it, and some big strong men folks to help me put it up.

Any takers? Oh and 'it' would be a wind turbine. All you gotta do is help me get it into the ground. I'll handle the wiring.


I'm sorry I've been such a neglectful sweaty wife! It should only take one more day and I'll be all yours again. No more slinking bone tired into bed.

I miiisss you!

[info]whoneedsrules in [info]ridgeway_comm

This place just gets worse and worse. Are you finished torturing me yet? Can you just send me back home? Just... make me a vampire again first.

Filtered to Stefan

Would you mind telling your friend to get over it? I'm really not in the mood for her attitude.

[info]elenathegilbert in [info]ridgeway_comm

[Filtered to ALL friends]


Klaus is human.

Which means he can break into this house without being invited in!!!

[info]robinofthehood in [info]ridgeway_comm


Laura's response to me raising a simple concern and her subsequent public attack of Anna could use a response from you. If you can spare a moment.

[info]irradiated_ants in [info]ridgeway_comm

Attention all Ridgeway Staff! Concerning the electricity.

Okay men, women, and children. Keep your fingers crossed, I'm gonna throw the switch. Now I only wired it into the grid for the cabins and houses. The rest is gonna have to either wait until the power's back or after I've had a few days rest. Though I'd rather wait until the powers back. But if you guys would like me to build another turbine... Then speak up.

Okay fingers crossed, that this works, and I don't get fried!

(OoC: With the popping of a few incandescent light bulbs, the ones that had been on when everything that went out, and a little wiff of Ozone (hah you know that line, it's from christmas story)the power was back on. At least in the cabins (and in the Winchester-Harvelle house, DiNozzo house, and Locksley.)