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April 3rd, 2011

[info]badasslois in [info]ridgeway_comm

Attention all Ridgeway Resort people! My name is Lois Lane and where I'm from I'm an investigative reporter. I would like, if any of you are interested, to interview you for the radio, where I work as producer. If you don't want your segment to air, it can be done confidentially. I have an insatiable need for knowledge and would really love to learn about the different worlds out there. I understand if you'd like privacy, which is why you can have the option of having your segment air. If you aren't interested at all, I also understand that. I guess.

You can reach me here. I look forward, and hope, to meeting all of you.

[info]weapon_x_23 in [info]ridgeway_comm

I want to.... Murder. Rip. Shred. He must die. He must not breathe anymore. I want him to hurt. Hurt bad. I want him to know nothing but pain before that final breath.

[info]lucyimhome in [info]ridgeway_comm

Sam )

[info]homeoffleas in [info]ridgeway_comm

[Filtered away from Elijah, Bellatrix and Damien]
Is there anybody else who thinks he needs protection? Someone who's pregnant, for example.

[Private to Stefan]
I just saw that Elijah is here. I haven't told Elena yet. I know the decisions she makes and they are not always the smartest. I sent her a bracelet so she can call me if she needs help and I will ask my friends if they have any ideas for protection charms.

[Private to Dom]
I just saw that Elijah is here. I haven't told Elena yet. I don't know if we should. I sent her a bracelet similiar to yours. Just wanted to let you know. You think we should do another round of watching this show, so we know what we have to fight against?

[Private to James, Remus, Lily, Teddy and Dom]
Elijah, a vampire, is here. You know that I'm friends with Elena Gilbert. For her, Elijah is like a less snakey Voldemort with long fangs. He's very powerful while Elena is not. I'm sure her vampire friends will protect her but as I am not completly trusting everyone there either. Maybe we can call in a meeting and discuss what we can do to protect her. A bit of magic never hurts.

[Private to Bonnie]
I don't know if you remember me. I'm Sirius and you've probably heard from Elena about me. Elijah is here. I haven't told Elena yet. You know how she is when it comes to putting herself in danger. But I'm calling in a meeting with my friends to see if I can find any magical ways to protect her from danger. You have a different approach to magic, so I think it would be great if you could help us.

[Private to Pheobe
Hey there, I could use your help. One of the archenemies of one of my friends has just turned up and I am calling in a meeting to see in what magical ways we can help her. Your magic is different from ours, it would be great if you could help us.

[Private to Laura
Just a quick note. One of the archenemies of one of my friends has just turned up. He's a vampire and very dangerous. I don't think you will have any problems but maybe you can warn your muggle friends.

Owl to Elena )

[info]elenathegilbert in [info]ridgeway_comm


Excuse me, um...sir? I'm trying very hard not to yell at you right now. You just brought somebody from my world who wants to kill me. He is more dangerous to me than Lucius Malfoy ever was. He's a danger to my friends as well. As it is I'm in the hospital from shock at his arrival. You're damn lucky I didn't miscarry my baby!

So...I would like to demand request you move Brooke Davis into Room B of Cabin 20 with Damon. Brooke is Damon's girlfriend and therefore somebody that Elijah can easily target. I understand that sometimes you can make more than one roon in a Cabin a couples room. I request that you do that for me, please. Damon is staying in our cabin and Brooke is staying wtih him.

Futhermore, Katherine Pierce, my ancestor is also in danger. We are the two people Elijah want dead above all else. I would like to request you move Katherine into the empty room in our Cabin. Room D.

I simply want my friends to be where I can keep them safe. It's bad enough my brother is in another Cabin. Unless you care to give us a house like you gave the Winchesters, Cas and Jo. Otherwise, please move those two into my cabin immediately.


I think it is a reasonable request given the circumstances. Look, I even said 'Please'.

[Filtered to The Vampire Diaries people MINUS Elijah]

I'm still in the hospital. The morons wont let me go home. Stefan, tell them to let me go home! And in case anyone is wondering, the baby is fine. Thank god.

For those of you who don't know...Elijah is here. I'm convinced that Petersen has it in for Damon and I. He keeps bringing people here that hate us.

Katherine, pack your bags, I'm going to request that Petersen move you in with us. Pronto. There is no way in hell you're staying where I can't keep an eye on you and ensure you're safe. He cannot under any circumstances know that the moonstone is here.

Jeremy, I still have some vervain jewelry I got from Christmas, I'll give you some for your roommate. Maybe you should crash on my couch for awhile. I don't like the idea of you being where I can't know you're safe....

Damon, I told Petersen that he is moving Brooke into your room with you. She's in danger. She's important to you, so Elijah could go after her. I can give her some vervain jewelry too so he cant compel her to invite him into the house.

It's only a matter of time before Petersen decides to bring Klaus here. I know that now.

Well...Damon, at least we know what that chill was yesterday, right? Fuck our life dude. Just fuck our life.

Isobel, Alaric, are you two going to be alright? You DID try to kill him in our world Alaric, so...that's going to make him awful sore. Isobel...I honestly have no clue if you ever met him...but he can pose a threat to you as well. Is there anything you need?

Anna, Lexi, Lee--it appears he's your roommate. I don't THINK you're in any immediate danger, but please let us know if you need ANYTHING.

Vicki, I don't know if you've continued to watch the show and have knowledge about what is going on back home, but this man is very, very dangerous. Stay away from him. Far, far away.

Bonnie, no taking him on. Stay away from him.I don't know if the brain melting thing actually works on an Original. And NO, you aren't going to find out.

[Filtered to any NON TVD people who consider Elena a friend or an ally]

There is a very dangerous man here from my world. A vampire who wishes to see me dead. I urge every single one of you to please be careful.

Sirius, Dom...Petersen brought Elijah. It's only a matter of time before he decides to bring Klaus. Please be careful. Don't do anything stupid.

Laura, for the time being, it's probably best I don't watch the babies. I would never forgive myself if he managed to get in the house while I was keeping an eye on them.

[info]inyourgreeneyes in [info]ridgeway_comm

(filtered to Elena)
Elena... Elijah is here.

[info]teddy_boy_lupin in [info]ridgeway_comm

(filtered to Remus Lupin)

You have no idea how long I've wanted to meet you...

Hi, my name's Teddy. I'm your son.

So last time I saw you, I was only a month old, then you went and got yourself killed. Thanks for that.

Hi, man. How's it going?

[info]theeternalstud in [info]ridgeway_comm

Brooke )

[info]scorpmalfoy in [info]ridgeway_comm

[Private to Adam Milligan/ Winchester]
Adam Milligan/ Winchester )

[info]iwantedthis in [info]ridgeway_comm

Private to Alaric )

[info]whoneedsrules in [info]ridgeway_comm

Private to Amy Pond and Jack Sparrow )

Private to Peterson )

Private to Brooke )

[info]little_ozzo in [info]ridgeway_comm

Anyone else still stuck somewhere?

[info]robinofthehood in [info]ridgeway_comm

Meddling short men

[info]kings_ward in [info]ridgeway_comm

I think I've figured this device out... Can someone please tell me whee I am? Besides 'Ridgeway'?

[info]inyourgreeneyes in [info]ridgeway_comm

filtered to Damon )

filtered to Bonnie )

filtered to Jeremy )

[info]childofathena in [info]ridgeway_comm

What in the world happened just now? What is this place? Surely the gods can't be so cruel. Oh who am I kidding, of course they can.

I can't believe I've gotten myself into another mess!

[info]homeoffleas in [info]ridgeway_comm

[Private to Damon]

I really don't want to do this.

I do this for Elena and only for Elena.

Tell me everything you know about vampires, especially Elijah, so I can find a spell to keep him away from Elena.

[info]amynotamelia in [info]ridgeway_comm

Left for the Doctor in a small box )

[info]little_ozzo in [info]ridgeway_comm

Adam )

[info]homeoffleas in [info]ridgeway_comm

[Private to Gabriel]

How are Laura and Robin? Does your fiery girlfriend still want to kill someone?