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March 28th, 2011

[info]homeoffleas in [info]ridgeway_comm

(Ooc: Posted Monday at around 3 am or whenever their James' Lily's and his little party slowly comes to an end. Sirius got absolutly wasted and gave his best to get them drunk, too. He got his mobile out and typed a short message. So Cat, Jeia, you decide where Sirius sleeps. Whether James and Lily help him up the stairs to his and Dom's room or just let him sleep on the couch. He's also going to enter their room in the morning, looking smashingly horrible. If one of them wakes up, he's going to say '"just wanted to check if you guys are still there" and then stagger back to his room and sleep till well past noon.)

Dom, inbm dRunk. Dontz Wakre Me Uop. 

[info]harvelle in [info]ridgeway_comm

Anna )

[info]whyistherumgone in [info]ridgeway_comm

I'm in a bar. Why is the rum gone?

Young chap who works for me. What was your name? I require rum.

[info]homeoffleas in [info]ridgeway_comm

JAMES FUCKING POTTER! Do you know how much my bloody bones hurt?

Lily, you have just become my best friend. Congrats!

[info]adam_milligan in [info]ridgeway_comm

Sam & Dean )

Alaric )

[info]robinofthehood in [info]ridgeway_comm

I think I've waited long enough for my cake, Anna.

[info]domw in [info]ridgeway_comm

[Private to Elena]
I'm being a mopey pregnant lady. I don't like being a mopey pregnant lady. Help?

[Private to James Potter]
So, best friend of my boyfriend, I'm glad you're here, for Lily and Sirius. And I really want to get to know you, especially if you're going to be the godfather of my future children but sadly pregnancy negates any fun drinking adventures like you lot had. Any non-alcohol related endeavors?

[Private to Victoire]
I need some sister time. How're things with you?

[Private to Lily Luna]
How're you coping with everything?

[Private to Sirius]
Are you recovered? Also...if James is being one of the godparents...are we still naming our boy after him?