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December 21st, 2010

[info]harvelle in [info]ridgeway_comm

Cas )

Anna )

[info]elenathegilbert in [info]ridgeway_comm


Stefan is my boyfriend, can you please move him into my Cabin? It's Cabin 020. We can take the couples room.

You've put him in the same cabin as his ex girlfriend. That simply wont do.

Can he please be moved with me?

[info]elenathegilbert in [info]ridgeway_comm


Stefan is here. Please be nice to him. All I want for Christmas is for you two to get along and start mending your relationship. You two were best friends. I know you miss him, you admitted as much to me. Do this for me. Please?

Also? I told him the truth. I told him that even though he's my boyfriend and I love him, that I care about you very, very much. I also told him about giving you blood. He...wasn't even mad. I just wanted you to know.

Also, we WERE going to go to Dom's for Christmas dinner, but Sirius is being a fucking asshole prat and isn't exactly your biggest fan. Especially since he found out you had some of my blood and since he started watching that stupid fucking show. It's safe to say you wouldn't get an invite into Dom's cabin, so rather than put you in a hostile situation, you, Stefan and I are having our own Christmas dinner. I'm cooking. Yes, you have to come. I'm even getting you a present. Deal with it.

I'm sorry, Damon. You deserve to be treated a whole lot better. Sirius is a prat.


I know that I said we were going to my friends cabin for Christmas Dinner, but my roommate Sirius hates Damon for all the bad things his done in the past. He flipped when I found out I gave Damon some blood. I promised my friend that I'd show up for dinner. So while I'm over at their Cabin, can I count on you and Damon to check on the Ham and other food I'll have cooking for the three of us?

And before you argue: You, Damon and I are having Christmas Dinner. I'm getting both of you presents. Deal with it.

[info]breakable_bella in [info]ridgeway_comm

filtered to Jake )

[info]domw in [info]ridgeway_comm

[Private to Teddy, Izabella, Lily Luna]

My dad's here.

And he's nineteen. Never met my mum. Fresh out of Hogwarts, working for Gringotts.


To say I'm calm about this would be a lie.

But he's here, right? That's got to be the part that makes a difference.

[Private to Elena]
My dad's here and I'm freaking out a little bit.

Added in later:
[Private to Sirius]
I really don't want to
I didn't mean to
If it were up to me I'd take it b

I guess it's later if you want to talk about it.

[info]inyourgreeneyes in [info]ridgeway_comm

Is it all true, what she said? I'm expected to live and work here? This is all just... weird!

filtered to Elena )

filtered to Damon )

[info]domw in [info]ridgeway_comm

[Private to Elena]
Elena. I love you, sweetie, really I do.

But Sirius made a very compelling argument in the form of memories that I'm never going to be able to forget.

So that said, I'd still love if you came to my dinner, but I hope you understand that I won't be inviting Damon in

[info]sweetmistake in [info]ridgeway_comm

Bill Weasley, this is not funny! I have to get ready for school! I have shopping and studying and I have no idea how you managed all this, but it is so not funny! Aunt Nan and Aunt Meda are going to have a hippogryff each! Nymphadora, if you were in any way a part of this, I'll have your pretty pink head!

[info]over_worked in [info]ridgeway_comm

[private to Teddy]
I can't talk to her like that! I know it's her and she's going to melt into full blown panic mode the second she knows what's happening! You know how she's gets. I don't know what to do! And why is she yelling at Uncle Bill? Why is she always yelling at Uncle Bill? Teddy, I can't talk to her. She's going to freak out. She's going to freak out in a major way. Like major major way. There is going to be a large amount of freaking and only about half of it from me. What do we do?!

[info]homeoffleas in [info]ridgeway_comm

[Private to Teddy, Lily and Laura]

Lily, Laura, Teddy? I need to talk to someone.

[info]heytherejuliet in [info]ridgeway_comm

Private to Lily Evans Potter )

[info]homeoffleas in [info]ridgeway_comm

Dom )

[info]homeoffleas in [info]ridgeway_comm

Elena )

[info]strappedonwings in [info]ridgeway_comm

Dean? You back. Tell me you're back.

You came back to your room, right?

[info]elenathegilbert in [info]ridgeway_comm

Damon )

[info]lionheart in [info]ridgeway_comm

So when the Goblin's said they had a test for me I was really wasn't expecting something like this.

[info]elenathegilbert in [info]ridgeway_comm

I have cried way too much in the 24 hours. I feel completely ill.