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December 1st, 2010

[info]weapon_x_23 in [info]ridgeway_comm

It is confounding, disturbing, and down right shameful to lose a scent as unique as Robin's. It is as if he simply vanished into thin air. While I do realize this is quite possible, and completely probable, I have not picked up his scent anywhere else. The only places I haven't been to see if there was even a lick of his scent there, are the two islands.

I even went to the lengths of following his aged scent around the hotel, then out of the hotel to the different sights he went to see... Then back to the point where he was seemingly abducted. To see if I would pick up something, there is absolutely nothing. And... The blood is definitely Robin's. I feel like a failure.

I'm not feeling to well
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[info]sonofajackal in [info]ridgeway_comm

This has been fun.. well, almost. The clubs here are great. Had to turn on the music and pour the drinks myself, even though I can't be intoxicated. I like the taste. It's a little unfortunate when you only have yourself to dance with. It's so boring.Probably should have invited some people, but I was busy with other stuff. Oh well, I'll just go to the spa tomorrow for a nice massage. Hadn't gotten one yet.

My suite is pretty close to what my master bedroom at Thorn Manor looked like. But guess what, I went shopping! Got a whole load of a new wardrobe, wonderful clothes. Got a few nice looking weapons too Silk, velvet, suede, leather jackets, trenchcoat, new shoes.. accessories, jewelry.. it's all going to my room. Not to mention all the sweets I got too. I think I'm going to use the hot tub after that. Then finish off with a nice sleep. I practically slept for about 12 hours in it yesterday.

But in light of recent events which I hope no one blames me for but wouldn't really surprise me at all if anyone did, it may be a good idea to not go out alone anymore. Maybe take a buddy. Unless you're an angel, superhero, or.. well.. if you're me. Because I'm awesome. Hehe. Or if you really must go alone, keep your most trusted allies on speed dial in case you need to call them for help. I also picked up a few weapons and don't mind loaning out a little bit of it.

[info]thethirdson in [info]ridgeway_comm

New York is so much better than Ipswich. Except, no people around. But I got a few video games. Hot tub sounds nice too Got a few designer brands, and some good booze too. But I feel like going for a swim! I hear there's a very big pool, bigger than the one at my old school. I'm going there shortly. Anyone else is welcome to come along too.

[info]robinofthehood in [info]ridgeway_comm


Can anyone see this? Marian? I got your message but it won't let me reply.

Is anyone else here?

[info]lucyimhome in [info]ridgeway_comm

Jim )

[info]lucyimhome in [info]ridgeway_comm

We have some good news!

Marian, my dear, your Robin is safe.

Petersen took him home. Robin did sustain an injury but it has been put to rights and now he's enjoying the run of the resort so better count your chocolate biscuits when you get back!

Thanks to all who helped look for him, and I mean that. It was pretty brown trousers time for a bit there.

Maybe it still is. I still don't know what hurt him in the first place so I'd advise caution... and doesn't that feel weird.