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November 24th, 2010

[info]boy_scout in [info]ridgeway_comm

Been thinking about what kind of vehicle I'd want. I've always liked trucks. Maybe a Dodge Ram or something. Lex got me one, but Dad made me return it Usually got accustomed to a farm tractor, but there's no need for that here. Actually, I don't really need wheels since I can get anywhere in the resort just fine on my own two feet. It's a nice thought, though. Maybe I'll see about having one made later.

[info]sonofajackal in [info]ridgeway_comm

Oh, can't wait to eat soon. Thanksgiving is really the best time to spend with friends. Got lots more food stocked up at my place. It's too bad no one from my home is here. Paul, Sgt. Neff, Teddy.. or maybe even my old nanny Baylock. Hell, I'd even settle for Marky if he could stay calm long enough if we met again Oh. And, I likely won't be needing this turkey I bought since Jack is getting one. So rather than return mine for a refund, I have a better idea for some goodwill here. For anyone who has yet to go out and get one. It's yours, fully free! Whoever is the first to tell me they haven't got their bird yet, they'll have this one dropped off at their cabin as soon as I read the reply. Just simply leave your name and cabin number.

But I've been thinking about pets too. Like, a dog. Maybe a.. Rottweiler? I had one before years ago, he was really nice. I think that it's definitely an option. Plus I can have him stand guard at my door to block out anyone who shouldn't be there, great protector Yeah, think I'm going to look into that very soon. Been a while since I had a pet.

[info]irradiated_ants in [info]ridgeway_comm

Robin Hood )

[info]homeoffleas in [info]ridgeway_comm

Does anybody know how to build a motorbike?

[info]ofanangel in [info]ridgeway_comm

I'm heading to the kitchen to start preparing stuff for tomorrow if anyone wants to come help. I found the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving so we have something to watch between dinner and desert tomorrow! Oh, and Gabe, I'll need your help with the making stuff comfortable and stuff. I can do it, you're just better at that than I am.

Also, would be awesome to have my own bathroom. I don't technically need it, but I do rather like showers and I'm not fond of wandering across the hallway in a towel. Even less comfortable doing it in his cabin.

Crowley, your music collection sucks. And your hound just sniffed my face again. While I was awake. Does he know what I am, or does he just not care because you obviously don't care?

[info]elenathegilbert in [info]ridgeway_comm

Thanks to Damien's generous gift of giving me his turkey for Thanksgiving, I will be preparing Thanksgiving dinner for the residents of Cabin 020. Turkey, potatoes, yams, stuffing, cranberry sauce, Caesar Salad, rolls and pies.

Since there are only three of us, Dominque if you and your family would like to come over and celebrate Thanksgiving with Sirius, there is more than enough food and room for you.

Damon, the invite extends to you as well if you'd like to come over and celebrate with us.

Lorna if you have anybody you'd like to invite, feel free to do so.

Now, I'm off to the kitchen where I will be baking all. night. long. Damien, thank you again for your great kindness in handing over your Turkey.

[info]aramblingman in [info]ridgeway_comm

Holy shit. I mean. Wow. Just. Holy shit.

Gabriel )

[info]slayersocialwrk in [info]ridgeway_comm

Holidays are overrated.

[info]lucyimhome in [info]ridgeway_comm

Left outside Dean's cabin. )

[info]harvelle in [info]ridgeway_comm

Cas )

[info]harvelle in [info]ridgeway_comm

Dean )