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November 21st, 2010

[info]lucyimhome in [info]ridgeway_comm

Abby )

[info]amynotamelia in [info]ridgeway_comm

What is going on with this place? Linking people to fan fiction? No thank you. Link me all you want, I will not be reading about that at all. It's bad enough I have a television show detailing my sordid affairs. I don't need to read what people like the guests wrote about what they imagine I do. No, thank you.

And Oi! Doctor! I take it the privacy settings aren't working properly since I can see what I'm pretty sure other people think is private so I'm not even going to bother. I picked an episode. You haven't backed out on me yet, have you?

[info]homeoffleas in [info]ridgeway_comm

I apologize for being such a jerk sometimes.


[Meant to be private to Lily]

I know the chances that you are going to remember this when you get home are pretty low. But if you do remember, could you please tell your father that my death is not his fault? And that I feel honored to become is godfather.


[Meant to be private to McGee]

Thanks for the advice. Just wanted to say I followed it.



For Laura )

For Dom )

For Elena )


[info]ofanangel in [info]ridgeway_comm

Gabriel, Jo, Dean, Cas:
I've decided we're having Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone is going to sit down and eat together and you're going to be nice to each other or I will gag you. We're stuck here and we're not putting life on hold because no one can break out. We're having Thanksgiving. And you can all cut the arguing and whining before it starts. The only one who can keep me from making you is Gabriel, and I'm pretty sure he'll be on board with this. Bring a guest or ten if you want, but you're all coming. So suck it up and be nice and you'll get yummy food out of it.

Crowley, I woke up and your hound was trying to sniff my face. And considering it doesn't eat, I doubt it was after my cake. Have I ever mentioned I'm a cat person? If it tries to bite me again, I can't promise I won't blow it up. Just a warning. And it's not coming to Thanksgiving, leave it in your room.

Dawn, Quinn & Quinn's boyfriend:
You guys are invited to Thanksgiving too, if you're okay dealing with the possibility that there may be family drama. And how's the baby, Quinn? I'm sorry I haven't checked, I've been preoccupied. You want to come by the office soon and we'll have another look?

[info]eastgateangel in [info]ridgeway_comm

As far as new assignments go, this isn't nearly what I would have expected.

[info]strappedonwings in [info]ridgeway_comm

Damien Thorn )

[info]sonofajackal in [info]ridgeway_comm

Hmm, kinda bored. Can't find any fanfic on me aside from the serious stuff, no pairings at all I should fix that immediately. I'm thinking.. yet another night at the Ice Room club. It's always fun there when I go. So I'll be there tonight if anyone wants to join me.

But something else has occurred to me concerning this week. It will be Thanksgiving soon. I am curious as to if the places here will be closed on that day. If so, perhaps I should rent a few movies earlier, as well as stocking up on extra food just in case.

[info]ex_goddessed684 in [info]ridgeway_comm

Supposedly private
I want to go home. I want to have Lucius hold me in his arms and tell me he loves me, that he cares for me. I want to see Draco flying in the yard. I just want to see them again. I miss them so much.