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October 11th, 2010

[info]over_worked in [info]ridgeway_comm

I hate this place.

edit: Alright, so who's DS?

[info]ofanangel in [info]ridgeway_comm

You guys will probably lynch me for saying this, but I have never been so thankful to be nauseous in my whole life. Man, I missed feeling things!

[private to Gabriel]
Alright, big brother, any ideas?

[private to Castiel]
You okay? Need anything? Besides the obvious?

[private to Dean]
I'm sure this is right up your alley of weird and unusual, but how are you holding up so far? Any ideas on what caused it or how to fix it?

[info]leah_clearwater in [info]ridgeway_comm

Ok, what the FUCKING hell? I wake up from after two hours, and I'm sick. For starters, I don't get sick, ever, and second I went running today, I should still be asleep, but no, this stupid pain in my stomach is keeping me from my wonderful dreams.

Also, I hate jewelry, so get this damn thing off my wrist. What the hell is WK anyway?

[info]sonofajackal in [info]ridgeway_comm

Okay, what the fuck is this? I feel sick. Queasy, hard to focus. I never get ill. Never have been, never will be. Yes, I really am that awesome. And in other ways too. I bet that Nazarene found a way to do it to me, even here I can't work in this condition. I don't even feel like clubbing either! I better find some answers soon. Or else Also? The only jewelry I prefer to wear is the kind I put on myself. I am not amused at things beyond my will or consent, not at all.

[info]boy_scout in [info]ridgeway_comm

I'm not feeling so hot either. Haven't felt like this in years. I empathize with that Damien guy, I too rarely get sick. But these bracelets. Mine has.. LLP. I don't know what these are made from. But I have a hunch that they're either magical in origin or they could be a piece of alien technology. Nothing else beside that would have stayed on me for long, unless there were meteor rocks from my world, but those aren't here. Except that blue knife, but that secret is for me and Petersen

[info]domw in [info]ridgeway_comm

Are the healers or angels or whoever's really in charge of fixing people here capable of making house calls?

Because I'm a bit too ill to walk over and I'm hesitant to actually try to apparate. I really don't trust myself not to be splinched and that's just what I need.

Also, what's this rubbish bracelet and why on earth does it say "RG"? I can't get it off. My magic never stops working.

[info]amynotamelia in [info]ridgeway_comm

Doctor. I'm ill. Fix it? Also, why do I have a rubbish bracelet on my wrist saying VA?

[info]of_gisborne in [info]ridgeway_comm

Are there any physicians available? I think I have eaten something, or perhaps I'm coming down with something... I awoke

[info]caf_pow_wow in [info]ridgeway_comm


Do you have a bracelet with the initials A.S.?

[info]bowties_arecool in [info]ridgeway_comm

Who is DS and do you have any weird initals like D or TD on your bracelet?

[info]thepuckster in [info]ridgeway_comm

What the hell is up with this bracelet crap? I'm a dude, I don't wear jewelry! And I'm pretty sure that shrimp I ate last night was bad or something, I feel like shit.

[info]big_badwolf in [info]ridgeway_comm

So, I'm guessing everyone got these bracelets. At least that's what I'm getting from reading here. Is everyone feeling like crap too? I didn't think I could even get sick.

Anyway, mine says KP and I have no clue who that is.

[info]ex_twicebles184 in [info]ridgeway_comm

(Phone call to Piper)

He dials the number, still feeling the weight of his own sickness, and waited to hear it ring.

[info]cursed_vance in [info]ridgeway_comm

Okay, so...feeling sick as heck, which seems to be what everyone's got. And the strange bracelet on my wrist has the initials AP on it. Someone's playing a game. I know it. If I'm right...

Does anyone here have the initials AP? And does your bracelet have the initials VA on it? If so, we need to meet.

[info]pepoutlet in [info]ridgeway_comm

Has anyone actually found a cure for the whole sickness epidemic thing? Because I would really like to stop feeling like I'm going to vomit now. It's not very sexy.

From reading these posts, I gather that the letters on the bracelets are initials? If so, who is WH?

[info]supermarketslut in [info]ridgeway_comm

I guess I need to find the person who the initials belong to? I'm looking for a LK, then. Do you have LG or RG on yours?

((Edited in later.))

I was told that LK is Laura, so I guess that mystery is solved but I might have to take some time off work to stay close to her unless she wants to come hang out in the office of a nightclub for hours.

[info]papadontpreach in [info]ridgeway_comm

Imagine that. I spent all day thinking it was morning sickness, then I come and read everyone's posts and we're all sick?

I guess I need to find a FL somewhere.

[info]seriouslylucky in [info]ridgeway_comm

Paging TD. Yours should say D, or maybe NT.

[info]lucyimhome in [info]ridgeway_comm

Can I get the attention of Regulus Black, Rory Gilmore and Damien Thorn please?

[info]robinofthehood in [info]ridgeway_comm

Does anyone have any idea how to stop this?

Marian )

[info]tinyandannoying in [info]ridgeway_comm

I'm looking for a teenage boy, freakishly tall, initials FH? Looking for an AC? If you could get in touch with me, that'd be great.

[info]caf_pow_wow in [info]ridgeway_comm

Guy )

[info]lucyimhome in [info]ridgeway_comm

Phone call to Laura

[Laura's phone rings.]
Tags: ,

[info]little_ozzo in [info]ridgeway_comm

Being woken up by yourself is far less preferable. You all right over there Legs?

Now that I'm all caught up, who's D?

[info]kingskellington in [info]ridgeway_comm

Who's DW? Apparently whoever that is will make the sickness go away judging by the other posts.

[info]xternal in [info]ridgeway_comm

So... stuck in another weird place, with a weird cast of people... this ought to be interesting.