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June 3rd, 2010

[info]torememberhim in [info]ridgeway_comm

Well this is...confusing.

What is this for exactly? All I know is I woke up here and I have this...

Anyone mind explaining to me what the hell is going on here? Or how I'm alive!

[info]likeaprodigal in [info]ridgeway_comm

I need about fifty drinks.

Petersen )

[info]whos_ghandi in [info]ridgeway_comm

Filtered to employees.

What the heck is a "safety dance"?

Some guy that I was driving around the golf course did his "safety dance" each time before he hit the ball. He sang this stupid song too where he spelled out "safety" and just looked stupid.

We should have a concert... why can't that Petersen-boss-man bring like, Justin Bieber or Hannah Montana to the resort? Someone cool, not all these weirdos.

Also, to whom it may concern:

I'm sorry about hitting your stuff with my golf cart. I know I was going too fast, but your stuff shouldn't have been in the middle of the pathway.

[info]zollerf in [info]ridgeway_comm

Does Do Is it still customary to extend the thought of a second chance towards another?

I have always believed that others deserve one no matter what they had done previously, despite what assumptions are made from someone else's accord.

There are times where one can not help but accomplish a task in order to save another from doing so. Hidden thoughts. Hidden feelings. Just to keep the same continious normality through it all. Lack of power, so to speak.

In the end, it's meant to avoid the penalty of death.

(OOC: Italics are in German)

[info]torememberhim in [info]ridgeway_comm

Filtered to Sam )

[info]leah_clearwater in [info]ridgeway_comm

I'm in desperate need of comfort food...

I'm going to attempt a fish fry. Key word: attempt. My dad was the only one who could do it right.