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May 11th, 2010

[info]goingtowin in [info]ridgeway_comm

This is ridiculous.

There should be a zombie kill count chart.

[info]goingtowin in [info]ridgeway_comm

Filtered; Cordelia

Were you aware that there is an ex-vampire here who claims he has a cure?

[info]notaneaglescout in [info]ridgeway_comm

Filtered to Claire Bennet

So, what's this I hear about you and some guy named Sam, hm?

[info]thisismyofframp in [info]ridgeway_comm

Filtered to Wes and Connor )

[info]nocoffee in [info]ridgeway_comm

So, I'm bored and curious and a little annoyed at all the people asking about my life. Which means you all get treated to my philosophical mood. Let me ask you this:

Destiny. Is it immutable? Is every single thing we do just a plan playing out that we have no say in? Is predestination a load of bull and our choices are all that there is? Or is it something in between?

[info]irradiated_ants in [info]ridgeway_comm

Filtered to Claire Bennet and Peter Petrelli

[info]ridgewaymanager in [info]ridgeway_comm

Filtered to Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale.

[info]ridgewaymanager in [info]ridgeway_comm

Attention ALL Ridgeway Employees

Your paychecks are belated because of the resent events. The invoices are now in your boxes. With a bonus of 200 dollars for the trouble with the reanimated corpses. It is likely the bonus will be higher on your following paycheck as most of you are going far above and beyond your work title.

Thank you for all of your cooperation, and aid in dealing with the guests.

Unfortunately if any of your accounts are in the red I am afraid that I will have to deduct from this weeks payroll. In the future if you do not have the funding to purchase an item, you will not have the ability to do so.

Thank you
James Petersen

P.S. Any food, water or supplies taken by you for you and your coworkers or delivered to the guests during the infestation will not be deducted from your accounts or from your paychecks.

(Ooc: Okay guys this works like it did last time, 900 for above and beyond, 500 for those just doing their jobs, 200 for the slackers just barely doing their jobs and 75 for those who aren't doing their jobs at all  and :D you get to decide what your character gets paid!)

[info]whos_ghandi in [info]ridgeway_comm

Soooooo not cool, man. A zombie just ralphed guts and blood all over my sneakers. Hey Petersen, I need a new pair of sneakers. Black Chuck Taylors size 5, please and thank you.

Note to everyone: The sewers reek. Gross, nasty. Don't go down there, seriously. I'm going to be washing this stench off for months. UGH!

[info]goallbuffyonus in [info]ridgeway_comm

Filtered to Shawn Farrell )

Filtered to Sam )