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May 1st, 2010

[info]ridgewaymanager in [info]ridgeway_comm

Attention ALL Ridgeway GUESTS, and Employees.

It has been brought to my attention that my employees that have a spreadable metamorphosis are being asked to 'take a bite'. This will stop right now. Any guests caught, or any complaints lodged by an employee, said guest will be ejected from the resort, WITH OUT A REFUND. Any moves against this rule will not be tolerated at all.

The employee that lodged the complaint will remain anonymous, and I will take their word over the paying customers.

That being said, please do not lodge false complaints.

Thank you
James Petersen

[info]sogoesmynation in [info]ridgeway_comm

Filtered to the Manager )

[info]four_big_paws in [info]ridgeway_comm

Okay so um... What would freak people out more? A big wolf running through the place, or a naked guy? Bella? Leah? Bloodsu-er Alice? I know you're out there somewhere I can smell you on the trail... Ugh any help from anybody else would also be really great too.

[info]irradiated_ants in [info]ridgeway_comm

Filtered to Eliot

[info]sogoesmynation in [info]ridgeway_comm

[filtered to employees only]

Hey. So.

The guests shouldn't ask to be bit anymore. If they do, let the manager know. Or me. That works too.

[info]likeaprodigal in [info]ridgeway_comm

Whoever had the genius idea to put a 'Demon Bloody Mary' on the drinks menu at the Velvet Room, you're on notice.

Also, the amount of people who actually ordered it is astounding.

[info]angelusdomini in [info]ridgeway_comm

[A.I. and the Scoobies]
Anybody know anything about these vampires that have no known weaknesses? Word is they're immune to all the usuals. Not even stakes will work on them. Sounded more like gargoyles, except for the part where they drink blood. Apparently there's a group called the Cullens who possess souls, but the others sound like they could be trouble in the future.

And looks like there's a new werewolf in town. He claims to be able to control himself, but we should keep an eye out for the next full moon, just as a precaution.

You all right?

[info]ministrange in [info]ridgeway_comm

Big Boss )