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April 25th, 2010

[info]ministrange in [info]ridgeway_comm

Okay, if you're going to hijack a guy's teleportation spell, the least you can do is drop him off at a buffet. Or a nude beach full of my groupies on a tropical island. Just saying.

EDIT: Okay, it's game time. I need something suitably superheroic to sa Dormammu. We both know you're out there. Why don't you come out and face me like a true warlord, instead of hiding behind these games? I won't let you hurt all these people. Oh god, what if he ki Dad would DAD'S DEAD BECAUSE HE Oh god.

[info]leah_clearwater in [info]ridgeway_comm

I am so sick of doing inventory for this new job of mine. God I hope this rain stops soon.

[info]goingtowin in [info]ridgeway_comm

[Private to Security Guards]
Not that I've given up on getting out, but I kind of want money to eat, and no one really seems to want to tell me if I'm night shift of day shift or both.

Are you guys up for rotating so we can have some nights free, and some days free until we get out of here?

[info]ridgewaymanager in [info]ridgeway_comm

Ladies and Gentlemen please check the mail boxes beside the front door to each of your cabins. You'll find your name listed below each box, inside you will find invoices for your pay. This is put on an account set aside for each of you to be used to purchase what you need and or want. To use this account all you have to do is flash your badge or phones to the respective cashier.

I was kind this week, because of the rain, no deductions were made this pay period. But it will not happen again. You take from me, you take from yourselves. I see everything that goes on. You will get paid every two weeks, make it last.

(ooc: 900 for the overachievers! 500 for those just doing their jobs. 200 for the slackers just barely doing their jobs. And 75 for those not doing their jobs at all. :D players you get to decide what your charries get!)