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April 23rd, 2010

[info]ex_salemwitc457 in [info]ridgeway_comm

Fresh start. Yeah, alright.

I don't suppose they let you finish high school with the forced labor around here, do they?

[info]immortal_raven in [info]ridgeway_comm

What. The. Hell??

MacLeod, this has to be your No, wait-this has Methos written all over it.

I don't do well with forced servitude. Or jobs. Seriously. Security?

[info]sogoesmynation in [info]ridgeway_comm

Right. So. The lake's slowly moving toward the cabins.

Thinking making sure we have supplies might be smart. Just in case.

[info]ridgewaymanager in [info]ridgeway_comm

A new addition

It's not something you would notice right away, but as you slept I had a little Gadget added to your entertainment centers. It's a small box, smaller than the other systems there, with a remote. Every television show, every episode available at this point in time is on it. If you doubt what I said about you being characters, by all means use it. Unless you are from books, then you'll find the 'universe' your from in the basement of the main house, it is an employee only area so you will need your 'lodge' key.

[info]lobas in [info]ridgeway_comm

Filtered; Oz

You're the Oz, aren't you? Scoobie Gang, Oz. Werewolf Oz.

Edit: Hands up if you
a) Have a ridiculous appetite
b) Love to run
c) Have a soft spot for canines
d) Think Big Wolf on Campus was the lamest TV show of all time.
e) all of the above

[info]nerdyangel in [info]ridgeway_comm

My brother is dead

Is this truly what is happening in the world we were taken from?

I find myself troubled by certain things I have learned.

( Joanna )
I need I don't Are you busy?