all that remains

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

May 2017



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October 11th, 2015



this is the end of the world news, this is the end of world news sponsored by god.

Who: Archer and Cal, with an appearance by Jenkins (NPC)
Where: streets of Austin around historic Old Bakery building, Congress Avenue
What: a day in the trenches, one of many, that solidified the mutual respect and regard between the reckless sonofabitch military brat and the stone-faced relentless bastard cop.
When: flashback to the height of the zombie apocalypse cleanup in Austin, 2016

So they went on, putting out fire after fire (mostly metaphorical, only twice literal). )



Who: Noa and Ruth
Where: Dog Park, the resource hangars
What: the morning after the party, Noa and Ruth discuss the previous night's shenanigans
When: 10/4, mid-morning

Went out drinking late last night, I had a blast. But now the morning light has come and kicked my ass. )



Who Gabe and Day
Where Day's Office, LBJ Library
What Gabe just got here, nobody knows him because someone is gone
When Forward dated to 10/5, as soon as Gabe arrives

it didn't sound like an option when he'd been told he could store his things )



Who: Daniel & Esther Kwon
Where: Honolulu, HI → Austin, TX
What: Memoirs
When: Pre-outbreak, Outbreak, Post-outbreak

Let’s run away. )



Who: Olivia Jensen & Babs Greenling
Where: Out in Austin, at Gabe's last known location
When: Forward-dated to 10/5, twilight
What: Two truths and a lie: Babs doesn't mother Olivia about her life choices. Olivia doesn't disobey orders. They don't find Gabe.

You see a zombie you get the hell up to high ground, get to the bus, drive out, and let me handle them. Got it? )



Laugh, heart, again in the gray twilight, Sigh, heart, again in the dew of the moon.

On October 4th the following were left around Austin, with bits of poems from W.B Yeats- Click here for the man himself reading

The real magic of each jar is, of course, discovered in the darkest places like true magic should be and will not last forever. Each has an expiration of @8 hours.

Please let me know if one of your characters found one, where they did, which jar they claimed and how they felt about it.

These were left all around Austin, from North to South, East and West. ALL OVER WHEREVER HUMANS DARE TO GO. )



Who: Olivia Jensen and Maizie Wolfe
Where: The Oval Office, because that's the only place in the LBJ according to these two (for now, at least)
When: The morning of 10/4, after the carnival
What: So... what now? Freak outs and awkward flailing on Olivia's part, countered with a whole lot of brave-face by Maizie. Not really any resolutions.

I guess I just thought you liked it here. (I guess I just thought you liked me.) )