all that remains

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

May 2017



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August 3rd, 2015



Who: The Lansings!
Where: Their apartment in the Capitol.
When: Backdated to some time after these texts go out.
What: Robert has some concerns to address. His timing is impeccable, mine is questionable.

I know where you go, I know what you do... better than you do... When nothing remains, I come to you. )



WHO: Erik and Natasha
WHERE: The Chestnut Tree
WHAT: Jukebox delivery.
WHEN: Monday noon of August 3rd at 11:37 AM.

where business ends, bonding begins )



Who: Marcus and Noa
Where: Noa's place, the Dog Park
When: Morning after this exchange.
What: Artistry, shop talk, potentially fair warnings and/or lessons in blond-resistance.

On the Bridge of Sighs, a piece of bleeding art. Mold me still with plaster joints and a pompous grin... )



Who: North and Bunny
Where: an abandoned storefront in Austin
What: running into each other
When: Monday (today)

Drift through the streets, walk between the cars )



Who: Vic Scherbatsky and Grufford Rhydderch
When: Backdated to August 2, evening
Where: The Dog Park bonfire
What: The Enforcer investigates the Dog Park's visitor
Warnings: Potential language, will update

Read more... )



Who: Vic Scherbatsky, Max Mendelson, Rodeo Hawkins, and a whole load of Dogs
When: August 3
Where: Austin, near the UMCB
What: A rescue gone awry

Read more... )



Who Noa and Teagan
What Getting the Hangar ready for new supplies. Hurrah
When Afternoon
WhereDog Park

The men are my brothers, the women my sisters. Come home to me. Come home to me safe )



Who Nate and Nora
What Film talking.
When Sun's down
Where Dog Park

I would advise stilts for the quagmires, And camels for the snowy hills And any survivors Their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way, there's always a way. )



seems i never know just what to say

Who: Demi Rafferty and Rodeo Hawkins
Where: Capitol / Dog Park
What: A phone call.
When: Backdated to the evening of August 2, 2018

i think perhaps maybe i'm to blame
cause i was always one to play your games.
so smile for me above the mess you made
but will i ever know the price you paid? )