all that remains

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

May 2017



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June 9th, 2015



Revenge of the Blob

Who: Dr. Lalita Singh and Graham Frost.
What: Lita patches Graham up after a rough few days.
When: Backdated to 6/8/2018, Following this conversation and this run in.
Where: University Medical Center Brackenridge

If a man falls on a greasy blob trail and no one is around to see it, is it still funny? )



baby, i'm howlin' for you

Who: Lalita Singh and Rodeo Hawkins
Where: Only the finest dining establishment in Austin.
What: Payment for services, interest included.
When: Wednesday, 6/10.

I must admit I can't explain any of these thoughts racing through my brain. It's true, baby I'm howlin' for you. )



Who: Adelaide and Sarge
Where: His shack, Dog Park
What: A man can't die in peace
When: Backdated to the day after the blobbing

Practiced all my sins, never gonna let me win, under everything, just another human being, I don't wanna hurt, there's so much in this world to make me bleed )



Who: Axe and OPEN
Where: The Dog Park.
What: After cleansing himself from his latest round with the Ghouls Kyle is just taking it easy for a bit.
When: June 10th, 2018. Evening, which means, bonfire.

Back among the Pack. )



(Package left outside of Kenzie's place with a scribbled note. )



Who: Kyle Blackburn (posing as 'John', his Ghoul alias) & Emilie Galloway
Where: Ghoul's Tunnels under Austin
What: Emilie needs a fix and goes to see Kyle
When: August 18th, 2017 (backdated)

A Wolf in the Shadows )