Prideview Random

Prideview Apartments Random Community

Prideview Apartments: Random Community


February 10th, 2009

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I feel like having some more fun. It keeps the boredom away, and any activity that does that is always a good thing. I've known people here that have gone away too. I know it sucks. I can only hope that they are happy wherever they returned to. There's one that I always hope will show up, but it hasn't happened yet. So, I stocked up my refrigerator with a variety of alcoholic beverages. Thinking about ordering pizza too. So, anyone is welcome to join me if they like.

Or I could buy someone a drink at the bar or club. I'm feeling generous today. I've been giving some thought about going into politics. Might run for mayor.. or councilman. Or something along those lines that will put me in a position to help the nice citizens of this good city. Of course that means I'll need a backup CEO for my company, but I'll get to that later. Speaking of that, we're always hiring. But right now? I feel like having a good time, alone or otherwise.

January 30th, 2009

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What the hell.... I woke up in some room that is definitely not mine, this is New York but I can't seem to get a hold of anyone the whole two people in my phone, keeps telling me the number can't be completed as dialed.
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