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Prideview Apartments Random Community

Prideview Apartments: Random Community


February 21st, 2009

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I am hoping to find a healer, on the boards?

February 8th, 2009

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One of these days, I'll learn to leave well enough alone.

Then again, that really isn't my style.

February 7th, 2009

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This isn't right.

Someone explain to me now what is going on.

January 23rd, 2009

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What the hell? Who the fuck brought me to New York? I don't need to be in New York right now, I need to be in Anchorage. We're on the brink of a goddamn Apocalypse. Don't even ask if I'm joking. I'm not. I'm talking four horsemen, releasing Satan not that I believe in him in those terms or Apep or whatever you believe. I think Asmundr was talking about wolves swallowing the sun and moon or something. Vigdis didn't give an opinion, but considering she's fucking mute, we weren't exactly expecting anything. Mary Alice is a goddamn Lucifuge, so I'm not even asking her opinion, and Vic is a fucking moron and I sincerely doubt he believes in anything. I'm worried, because nobody's answering their mobiles or the phone at headquarters, and even if Jocelyn is still hiding from the taskforce, Jake or Gabriella should have answered. Or even that fuckup, Derek. Can't even reach Aharon. But he's probably high as a fucking kite, so that's not really anything new.

But all that's beside the point. Someone needs to tell me what the fuck is going on!
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