Your daily dose of HP news
- slow and unreliable

elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2009-08-02 18:20
Subject: Weekend Edtion
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]sassy_cissa: Surprise, Surprise! - (Harry/Draco, PG13)
[info]the_con_cept in [info]snarry_games: Something Ever After - (Severus/Harry, R *warnings*)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Green - (James/Lily, Sirius/James, R)

Works In Progress:
[info]jordangrant: Owned - was updated with part 100/? (Harry/Draco, NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]iulia_linnea: Snape's Will - was updated with part 2/4 (Harry/Male Character, NC-17)
[info]iulia_linnea: Snape's Will - was updated with 2/4 (Harry/Male Characters, NC-17)
[info]iulia_linnea: Snape's Will - was updated with 2/4 (Harry/Male Characters, NC-17)
[info]iulia_linnea: Snape's Will - was updated with 2/4 (Harry/Male Characters, NC-17)

[info]lilyseyes: Soft Breath - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]bohemianspirit: Lucky Cats - (Severus/Charity, PG13)
[info]alisanne: Quite Inspiring - (Severus/Remus, PG)
[info]alisanne: Watching Harry - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]bridgetmkennitt: Early Morning - (Severus/Harry, NC-17)
[info]sweetmelodykiss: The Watcher - (Severus/Harry, PG13)
[info]psyfic: That Insipid Song - (Severus, PG)
[info]alisanne: Having Their Cake - (Neville/Bill, PG)

[info]zephre: Snapshot for Alice - (Draco/Luna, G)
[info]jin_fenghuang: A Truely Comfy Chair - (Slughorn/Tom Riddle, R)
[info]glockgal in [info]snarry_games: The Boy Who Lived (to Grow Up) - (Severus/Harry, G)
[info]janus: Severus on Holiday - (Severus, G)
[info]la_dissonance: Pansy's Gang - (Daphne/Pansy/Millicent, R)
[info]ponderosa121 in [info]snarry_games: A Fair and Firm Hand - (Severus/Harry, R)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Big Brother - (Scorpius/James S, Albus S, NC-17)

Community News:
[info]lupin100: Posted their latest Prompt
[info]pervy_werewolf: Posted their August Prompt
[info]lupin_snape: Posted their August update
[info]snupin_santa: Posted the Snupin Santa Rules for 2009
[info]harrylovesdraco: Posted their latest Challenge
[info]snape100: Posted their latest Challenge

[info]snapenews: Posted their Thursday/Friday Edition
[info]dailysnitch: Posted their Friday Edition
[info]snupin_prophet: Posted their latest Edition
[info]dailysnitch: Posted their Saturday Edition
[info]dailysnitch: Posted their Moaning Myrtle Special Edition
[info]quibbler_report: Posted their Sunday Edition

[info]spidermoth: Posted a picspam of a Remus doll she's working on

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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Sebastian posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]kabal42
Date: 2009-07-30 23:35
Subject: Thursday Edition
Security: Public
The Editor is in:Copenhagen, Denmark
The Editors feels:hopeful hopeful

One Shots:
[info]coffee_n_cocoa: Paint the World with Love and Hate - Neville/Dean; PG
[info]entrenous88: Kissing Convenience - Neville/Viktor; PG
[info]fancypantsdylan: Shower - Harry/Severus; NC-17
[info]katekintail: An Abundance of Nevilles - Harry/Neville; PG
entrenous889: Kissing Convenience - Viktor/Neville; PG
[info]iamisaac in [info]hp_emofest: Addiction - Ron/Hermione, Ron/Draco; PG-13 *Warning*

Works In Progress:
[info]slashpervert and [info]sayingsorry_hh and [info]brknhalo241: Harry Potter and The Charming Prince - updated - Harry/Draco; Adult *Warnings*

[info]alisanne: Never Alone - Severus/Harry/Draco; R
[info]ensnarryed: Watching Harry - Harry, Severus; Dark
[info]firefly_124: Threats - Severus/Hermione; G
[info]angela_snape: Heading for a Change - Bill/Neville; PG
[info]angela_snape: A Party for Two - Bill/Neville; PG
[info]ellid: The Scent of a Rose, IV - Severus, Remus; G
[info]j_lunatic: The Maltese Diricawl - Neville/Luna; G

Community News:
[info]neville100: Posted a new prompt - Cake
[info]snape100: Posted challenge 173 - Watching Harry

[info]sirius_news: Posted a new issue - July 30th
[info]snapenews: Posted a new issue - July 29th
[info]dailysnitch: Posted a new issue - July 29th

[info]oryx_leucoryx: Asks Who knew Severus was a Death Eater?

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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inkaddict posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]inkaddict
Date: 2009-07-30 03:20
Subject: Wednesday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]alisane: Movie Night - (Harry/Draco, PG)
[info]real_life_rosy: The Moment When Change Seemed - (Snape/Lupin, PG, *warnings*)

Works In Progress:
[info]ellid: Marriage a la Mode - Chapter 1/? (Snape/Lupin, NC-17)
[info]kavalhra: Imitations of Emotion - Prologue and chapter 1/? (Severus/Harry, Harry/Draco, R, *warning*)

[info]alisanne: Trapped - (Severus/Harry, G)
[info]lordhellebore: Comfort ~ 10 - (Harry/Draco, PG-13)
[info]nimrod_9: Cats – A Slightly Perverted Musical - (Snape/Lupin, R, *warnings*)
[info]thesewarmstars: Too Good - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]real_life_rosy: Desperate Pleasures - (Snape/Lupin, R, *warnings*)
[info]lilyseyes: Birthday Bonds - (Sevrus/Harry, NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]ellid: The Scent of a Rose, III - (Snape/Lupin, G)
[info]sweetmelodykiss: Quiet Desperation - (Severus/Remus, R)
[info]alisanne: Mother's Wisdom - (Ron/Harry, G, *warnings*)

Community News:
[info]snupin100: Challenge 219 - Desperation
[info]black100 - a 100 word drabble prompt community for Sirius or Regulus Black

[info]snapenews: Issue 721 - Monday/Tuesday
[info]dailysnitch: July 28, 2009

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2009-07-27 20:07
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]celandineb: Comprehension - Harry/Severus; Adult
[info]kaellite: Shelter From The Storm - Neville/Dennis, Neville/Terry; PG-13
[info]cluegirl: The Tree by the River - Severus/Harry; Gen

[info]alisanne: Just the Beginning - Harry/Severus; PG
[info]red_day_dawning: Perfectly Obvious - Severus; G
[info]coffee_n_cocoa: Not So Nice - Neville; PG
[info]bluestocking79: An Understanding - Severus/Minerva; PG
[info]ellid: The Scent of a Rose - Severus, Remus; G
[info]lordhellebore: Comfort - Harry/Draco; R
[info]red_day_dawning: A Comfort, A Declaration - Severus/Remus; Gen
[info]eeyore9990: Smooth Away The Pain - Hagrid/Remus/Severus; PG-13

[info]ghot: Nurse - Albus Severus/Scorpius; NC-17

Community News:
[info]harry100: Posted a new prompt
[info]draco100: Posted a new prompt

[info]longbottom_wkly: Posted a new issue for July 27
[info]sirius_news: Posted a new issue for July 26-27

[info]drusillas_rain in [info]lupin_snape: Posted the debut of the Official Snupineer Fun Time Activity Book

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2009-07-26 18:18
Subject: Sunday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]suntzu_s: The Passing of Neville Longbottom - (Neville/Harry, PG13)
[info]lotrwariorgodss: Peaches - (Severus/Harry, NC-17)
[info]femmequixotic: I’ve lost track of how many drinks I’ve had. - (?/Draco, NC-17)

[info]angela_snape: A Means of Distraction - (Bill/Neville, PG13)
[info]lordhellebore: Cooking Skills - (Harry/Ron, G)
[info]bridgetmkennitt: Midnight Waiting - (Draco/Harry, G)
[info]alisanne: Of Worth - (Severus/Harry/Draco, PG)
[info]sweetmelodykiss: Shattered Heart - (Remus/Sirius, PG)
[info]lordhellebore: Comfort - (Harry/Draco, R)
[info]nimrod_9: A Little Bit of Persia - (Remus/Severus, PG)
[info]sweetmelodykiss: Twist of Fate - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]celandineb: Games People Play - (Draco/Kingsley, R *warnings*)
[info]alisanne: Newsflash - (Bille/Neville, PG)
[info]sweetmelodykiss: Let Them Eat Cake - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]lilyseyes: Breathless Kisses - (Severus/Harry, R)
[info]prayer_at_night: Stop ogling! - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]shadowycat: Vigil - (Severus, Minerva, G)

[info]pinkelephant42: Resolute - (Neville, G)

Community News:
[info]hp_tarot: Is running a Poll on what the next step for HP Tarot should be
[info]snape100: Posted their latest Challenge
[info]harryron100: Posted their latest Prompt

[info]snupin_prophet: Posted their latest issue
[info]quibbler_report: Posted their Saturday Edition
[info]dailysnitch: Posted their Saturday Edition
[info]dailysnitch: Posted their Kreacher Special Edition
[info]snapenews: Posted their latest issue

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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winoniel posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]winoniel
Date: 2009-07-25 13:42
Subject: Saturday Edition
Security: Public
The Editor is in:Sa-town
The Editors feels:uncomfortable uncomfortable

One Shots:
[info]angela_snape: An Unlikely Addiction - (Draco/Neville, PG-13)
[info]boxedcrayon125: Understanding Brotherhood - (Arthur/Molly, G)

Works In Progress:
[info]lordhellebore: Comfort - Updated with 5/? (Harry/Draco, R)
[info]jordangrant: Owned - Updated with 99/? (Harry/Draco, NC-17)

[info]alisanne: The Black Cat - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]red_day_dawning: MAGICAL SELF-DEFENCE : A BEGINNER'S GUIDE - (Severus/Remus, PG-13)
[info]alisanne: Inspiration - (Harry/Draco, R)
[info]alisanne: A Real Holiday - (Harry/Draco, PG)
[info]lordhellebore: Patience - (Harry, Draco, PG-13)

[info]stupid_drawings: Snarry drawings - (Severus/Harry, G)

Community News:
[info]lupin100: Posted Prompt #255: Damask Rose

[info]snapenews: Posted Issue #719: July 23/24
[info]dailysnitch: Posted its Friday, July 24 issue

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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Sebastian posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]kabal42
Date: 2009-07-24 00:57
Subject: Thursday Edition
Security: Public
The Editor is in:Copenhagen, Denmark
The Editors feels:confused confused

One Shots:
[info]snegurochka_lee: Obsidian, Smoothed into Knots - Lucius/Albus Severus; NC-17 *Warnings*
[info]boxedcrayon125: Summertime News - Arthur/Molly; PG

Works In Progress:
[info]lordhellebore: Comfort - part 4 - Harry/Draco; R
[info]lordhellebore: Comfort - part 3 - Harry/Draco; R

[info]alisanne: Missed - Harry/Draco, Pansy; G
[info]celandineb: In for the Long Haul - Draco/Harry/Remus; Adult
[info]alisanne: The Silent Treatment - Harry/Ron; PG-13
[info]fancypantsdylan: First Kiss - Harry/Severus; PG
[info]sweetmelodykiss: A Bit Awkward - Severus/Harry; PG
[info]nimrod_9: Another Battle - Remus/Severus; PG-13
[info]ellid: Hidden in Plain View, IV - Remus, Severus; No Rating Given
[info]sweetmelodykiss: One Man's Pain - Severus/Remus; R *warnings*

[info]accioslash: Happy 20th Birthday, Dan Radcliffe - Harry, Severus; G
[info]andreanna: Squeaky Clean - Harry/Severus; No Rating Given - nudity
[info]mayfly_78 in [info]xnevillelovingx: In His Natural Habitat - Neville/Draco; G

Community News:
[info]snarry100: Posted challenge 172 - First Kiss
[info]neville100: Posted prompt 79 - News

[info]snapenews: Posted a new issue - July 22
[info]quibbler_report: Posted a new issue - July 22

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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inkaddict posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]inkaddict
Date: 2009-07-22 20:52
Subject: Wednesday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]alisanne: Convention - (Harry/Draco/Severus, PG)
[info]celandineb: Balancing Act - (Draco/Ginny, Adult, *warnings*)
[info]alisanne: A Draco Malfoy Present - (Harry/Draco, R)
[info]enchanted_jae: Devious and Delicious - (Albus Severus/Scorpius, R, *warnings*)
[info]boxedcrayon125: Ron's Unbreakable Vow - (Arthur/Molly, PG)
Reiko_katsura in [info]snarry_games: Opening Games Free-For-All Challenfìge No. 18 - (Severus/Harry, T)
[info]hazy_crazy: Calming Hannah - (Neville/Hannah, G)
[info]katiebell_0408: Overindulgence - (Severus/Harry, R, *warnings*)
[info]boxedcrayon125: Spring Rain - (Arthur/Molly, PG)

[info]lilyseyes: Sweet Surprises - (Severus/Harry, R, *warnings*)
[info]alisanne: Family - (Severus/Remus, G)
[info]alisanne: Cool Craving - (Neville/Bill, PG)
[info]behemianspirit: When Stars Collide - (Severus/Charity, PG-13)
[info]angela_snape: Undone - (Harry/Kingsley, PG-13, *warnings*)
[info]ellid: Hidden in Plain View, III - (Severus/Remus, G)
[info]angela_snape: Fun in the Library - (Severus/Harry, PG-13)

Community News:
[info]snupin100: Challenge 218 - TLC - Tender Loving Care
[info]lupin_snape: Calling for Recs and Retro Fest
[info]harrylovesdraco: Challenge 7 results

[info]dailysnitch: Tuesday, July 21, 2009

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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suntzu_s posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]suntzu_s
Date: 2009-07-21 18:49
Subject: Tuesday, 21st July 2009
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]scarletladyy: Stolen Hearts - Neville/Daphne & Neville/Hannah , NC17
[info]ravenna_c_tan: Lucius In Azkaban - Lucius/Surprise, NC17
[info]et_tu_lj: On the importance of family - Neville, Gran, Great Uncle Algie, Great Aunt Enid,G
[info]purelush: The Birthday Breakfast - Neville/Katie, teen

[info]angela_snape: Unlaced - Kingsley/Harry,PG-13
[info]lordhellebore: - Comfort - 2nd in series, Harry/Draco, R
[info]suntzu_s: : In From the Kitchen - Neville/Harry, G
[info]ellid: Hidden in Plain View II - Snape/Lupin
[info]ellid: Hidden in Plain View I - Snape/Lupin
[info]nimrod_9: And Chocolate Icing - Snape/Lupin, PG

[info]pnderosa121: Azkatraz 09 - Snape/Harry, PG

Community News:
[info]lupin_snape: Mod Post

[info]dailysnitch: New Issue - 20th July 2009

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2009-07-20 21:04
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]boxedcrayon125: N.E.W.T.s - Arthur/Molly; PG
[info]purplefluffycat: Dark-Eyed Wanderer - Severus/Flitwick; NC-17 [repost]
[info]eeyore9990: To Tender a Gentle Touch - Harry/Pomfrey; R
[info]celandineb: Fidelity - Draco/Severus; General
[info]pre_raphaelite1: The Lingering - Walden/Unidentified Female; NC-17 *warnings*
[info]alisanne: Never Trust WWW (Weasleys' Wizarding Watermelons) - Harry/Draco; NC-17
[info]boxedcrayon125: Mollywobbles and Artiebear - Arthur/Molly; PG

Works In Progress:
[info]jordangrant: Owned - Updated with chapter 98/? (Harry/Draco; Adult *warnings*)

[info]angela_snape: Better Than Ice Cream - Neville; G
[info]lordhellebore: Comfort - Harry, Draco; PG
[info]lilyseyes: More Morning Giggles - Severus/Harry; NC-17

[info]omni_sama: Remus Transformation Piece 1 - Remus; PG-13 *NWS*

Community News:
[info]harry100: Posted a new prompt
[info]draco100: Posted a weekly summary for prompts 47-49
[info]draco100: Posted a new prompt

[info]sirius_news: Posted a new issue for July 20
[info]longbottom_wkly: Posted a new issue for July 20

[info]snegurochka_lee: Posted recs from Weasley_Fest

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2009-07-19 18:41
Subject: Weekend Edition
Security: Public
The Editors feels:determined determined

One Shots:
[info]boxedcrayon125: Molly's Confession - (Molly/Arthur, PG)
[info]bluemoondreamer: Oh What a Night! and Harry Is Fed Up - (Severus/Harry, G to PG13)
[info]ozma_katiebell: Salary, Plus Benefits - (Fred/Verity, George/Lee, R)

Works In Progress:
[info]mrscake: A Hogwarts Christmas Carol - was updated with chapter 4/? (Severus/Remus, PG)
[info]mrscake: A Hogwarts Christmas Carol - was updated with chapter 5/? (Severus/Remus, PG)

[info]drachenmina: Sacrifices - (Severus/Harry, G)
[info]lordhellebore: Tricked - (Harry/Draco, PG13)
[info]lilyseyes: The Color of His Eyes - (Severus/Harry, R)
[info]alisanne: Malfoy Privilege - (Harry/Draco, G)
[info]alisanne: The Spice of Life - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]alisanne: Happiness - (Harry/Ron, G)
[info]drachenmina: The witching hour - (Draco, G)
[info]alisanne: Heavenly Bodies - (Severus/Harry/Draco, PG13)
[info]bohemianspirit: While Opportunity Knocks - (Severus/Charity, PG13)
[info]lordhellebore: Safety - (Harry/Draco, R)

Community News:
[info]lupin100: Posted their latest prompt
[info]snape100: Posted their latest Challenge

[info]quibbler_report: Posted their Friday edition
[info]dailysnitch: Posted their Friday edition
[info]snapenews: Posted their Thursday/Friday edition
[info]snupin_prophet: Posted their latest issue
[info]quibbler_report: Posted their Saturday Edition
[info]dailysnitch: Posted their Mundungus Fletcher Special Edition
[info]quibbler_report: Posted their Sunday edition
[info]snapenews: Posted their Saturday/Sunday edition

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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inkaddict posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]inkaddict
Date: 2009-07-15 22:18
Subject: Wednesday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]boxedcrayon125: A Weasley Valentine's Day - (molly/Arthur, R)
[info]boxedcrayon125: Ginny's Mistake - (Arthur/Molly, R)
[info]katiebell_0408: Out of Bounds - (Severus, PG)
[info]j_lunatic: Spectrespecs - (Luna/Neville, Harry/Neville, PG-13)

Works In Progress:
[info]mrscake: A Hogwarts Christmas Carol - Updated with chapter 3/? (Severus/Remus, PG)

[info]ravenna_c_tan: Little Death - (Severus/Draco, NC-17)
[info]alisanne: Secretarial Pool - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]alisanne: That Good - (Harry/Draco, Pansy, PG)
[info]celandineb: Brown-eyed Girl - (Neville/Ginny, General)
[info]ellid: Englishman in New York, II - (Remus, G)

Community News:
[info]snupin100: Challenge 217 - Parents
[info]hp_yule_balls: Fest update

[info]snupin_prophet: July 7-14, 2009
[info]dailysnitch: Tuesday, July 14, 2009

[info]red_day_dawning in [info]snapedom: July challenge- Reactions to The Half-Blood Prince - SPOILER WARNING
[info]oryx_leucoryx in [info]napedom: Severus, Bellatrix and Dark Arts knowledge

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2009-07-13 16:59
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]katiebell_0408: Blinded - Severus/Harry; PG-13
[info]katiebell_0408: A Sight That Almost Stops Your Heart - Severus/Harry; PG-13
[info]celandineb: All Along the Water - Moaning Myrtle, Cedric; Adult [repost]
[info]celandineb: Come Dancing - Albus, Minerva; General
[info]elfflame: A Game of Win or Loss - Kingsley/Rabastan; NC-17 *warnings*
[info]sassy_cissa: Coming Home - Harry/Draco; PG-13
[info]fancypantsdylan: Purple Dildo - Severus/Harry; NC-17
[info]lee_writes: Like Poison - Sirius/Remus, Remus/Tonks; NC-17

[info]alisanne: A Successful Ploy - Severus/Harry; R
[info]nimrod_9: On the Prowl - Remus/Severus; R
[info]nimrod_9: Compatibility - Remus/Spock; PG-13

Community News:
[info]harry100: Posted the weekly round-up for prompts 39 & 40
[info]harry100: Posted a new prompt
[info]slythindor100: Posted a new prompt

[info]longbottom_wkly: Posted a new issue for July 13
[info]sirius_news: Posted a new issue for July 12

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2009-07-12 17:40
Subject: Sunday Edition
Security: Public
The Editors feels:melancholy melancholy

One Shots:
[info]bonfoi: A Downy Touch - (Severus/Remus, R)
[info]leela_cat: Every Job Has Its Perks - (Hootch/Pomfrey, NC-17)

[info]angela_snape: Breakfast in Bed - (Bill/Neville, NC-17)
[info]snakeling in [info]snarry_games: Four drabbles by Snakeling - (Severus/Harry, nr)
[info]solstice_muse: Magic - (Harry/Ron, PG13)
[info]unbroken_halo: Various Neville/Bill Drabbles - (Neville/Bill, PG-R)
[info]alisanne: Dessert Expertise - (Neville/Bill, PG)
[info]red_day_dawning: The Inhalation and Exhalatin of Longing - (Severus/Remus, Celeborn/Remus, PG13)
[info]lilyseyes: Breathe Cleanly - (Severus/Harry, NC-17)

Community News:
[info]snape100: Posted their latest Challenge

[info]dailysnitch: Posted their Saturday edition
[info]dailysnitch: Posted their Rolanda Hootch Special Edition
[info]quibbler_report: Posted their latest Issue

[info]alisanne: Motivated - (Severus/Harry/Draco, R) (Drabble)

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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winoniel posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]winoniel
Date: 2009-07-11 15:39
Subject: Saturday Edition
Security: Public
The Editor is in:San Antonio, TX
The Editors feels:frustrated frustrated

One Shots:
[info]celandineb: Sound of Thunder - (Charlie/Draco, G)
[info]lordhellebore: Understanding - (Hannah/Neville, PG)
[info]torino10154: Down to Earth - (Draco/Neville, NC-17)
[info]treacle_tartlet: Oh, The Horror - (Harry/Draco, R)

[info]ensnarryed: Bath - (Harry/Severus, PG)
[info]bewarethesmirk: Refuge - (Harry/Draco, PG)

Community News:
[info]lupin100: Posted Prompt #253: cross-over. Cross Remus with any other fictional universe!

[info]snapenews: Posted Issue #713: Thursday/Friday
[info]dailysnitch: Posted its Friday, July 10 issue

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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Lilith posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]lilithilien
Date: 2009-07-10 13:59
Subject: Friday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]lyras: Two ficlets - Neville/Professor Sprout; G and Neville/Ginny; PG
[info]fancypantsdylan: Behind the Press - Harry/Draco; PG-13
[info]dracofiend: Well-Lived - Harry/Severus; G
[info]angela_snape: Reading Materials - Bill/Neville; G

[info]ellid: Milwaukee 5 - Remus/Severus; G
[info]alisanne: Understanding - Harry/Draco; G

Community News:.
[info]porn_battle: Round 7 is underway with lots of Harry Potter prompts

[info]quibbler_report: Posted a new issue - July 9
[info]dailysnitch: Posted a new issue - July 9

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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Sebastian posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]kabal42
Date: 2009-07-09 22:48
Subject: Thursday Issue
Security: Public
The Editor is in:Copenhagen, Denmark
The Editors feels:confused confused
The Editor is listening to:The Hours on DVD

One Shots:
[info]entrenous88: Ron Weasley and the Forgotten Boyfriend - Ron/Draco; NC-17
[info]ozma_katiebell: Birthright - Neville, gen; PG
[info]bonfoi: A Downy Touch - Remus/Severus; R
[info]lee_west: Make Our Garden Grow - Percy/Penelope; PG-13

Works In Progress:
[info]son_of_darkness: The Comprehension Series - updated with part 92 - Albus/Scorpius; PG
[info]slashpervert and [info]sayinsorry_hh and [info]brknhalo241: Harry Potter and The Bound Prince - Harry/Draco; Adult *Warnings*

[info]alisanne: Further Evidence - Severus/Harry; R
[info]alisanne: Frightening - Remus/Severus; PG
[info]bohemianspirit: So Spaced Out - Severus/Charity; PG-13
[info]angela_snape: After the Theatre - Bill/Neville; NC-17
[info]ellid: Milwaukee IV - Severus, Remus; No rating given
[info]psyfic: So Rises The Curtain - Severus/Harry; PG

[info]autumn_veela: In a Pinch - Neville/Charlie; NC-17

Community News:
[info]neville100: Posted the next prompt - Whipped Cream
[info]snarry100: Posted challenge 170 - Bath Time

[info]metafandom: Posted a new issue - July 8th
[info]snapenews: Posted a new issue - July 7-8
[info]dailysnitch: Posted a new issue - July 8
[info]quibbler_report: Posted a new issue - July 8
[info]sirius_news: Posted a new issue - July 8

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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inkaddict posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]inkaddict
Date: 2009-07-09 01:47
Subject: Tuesday & Wednesday -Double Edition!
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]florahart: Breaking Point - (Percy/Bill, NC-17, *warings*)
[info]alisanne: The Bookworm and the Jock - (Percy/Wood, Ron/Penny, NC-17)
[info]celandineb: A Matter of Perspective - (Anthony/Percy, Adult)
[info]entrenous88: Ron Weasley and the Forgotten Boyfriend - (Ron/Draco, NC-17)
[info]celandineb: Bewitch the Census - (Percy/Viktor, General)
[info]alwaysasnapefan: Finding a Niche - (Severus/Minerva, PG-13, *warnings*)
[info]gala_apples: Breaking the Habit - (Remus/A Marauder, R, *warnings*)
[info]angela_snape: Methods of Relaxation - (Bill/Neville, R, *warnings*)
[info]quill_lumos: A Little Touch of the Flu - (Severus/Harry, Ron, PG, *warnings*)
[info]smirking_muse: Test of Wits - (Harry/Draco, NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]leo_draconis: The Day Harry Stopped Hating Draco - (Harry/Draco, NC-17)
[info]inoru_no_hoshi: Newt Here - (Severus/Harry, G)
[info]tgp: Damaged - (Severus/Remus, Tobias/Severus, R, *warnings*)
[info]asnowyowl: Boy Trouble - (Neville/Blaise, NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]joanwilder: Severus and Harry's Most Excellent Summer Holiday - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]bonfoi: Slippery When Frozen - (Severus/Remus, R, *warnings*)

[info]alisanne: Provoked - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]blue_siofra: Everyone Needs Love - (Percy/Penelope, NC-17)
[info]alisanne: Appropriate Thanks - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]alisanne: Just Fine - (Harry/Draco, G)
[info]alisanne: Creating Good Memories - (Harry/Ron, PG)
[info]lilyseyes: Requited - (Severus/Harry, r, *warnings*)
[info]drachenmina: Cruising for a Bruising (again) - (Harry/Draco, G)
[info]ellid: Milwaukee II - (Remus/Severus, G)
[info]torino10154: Splash! - (Severus/Remus, PG)
[info]amgela_sape: An Evening at the Theatre - (Bill/Neville, G)
[info]torio10154: Bloodsucker - (Harry/Neville, PG)
[info]ellid: Milwaukee III - (Severus/Remus, G)

Community News:
[info]snupin100: Challenge 216 - It's Stuck!
[info]darkprincesnape: A New Community - devoted to fic, meta and art exploring the darker side of everyone's favorite Death Eater.
[info]lupin_snape: Big Bang Archive is Live!
[info]bigbangblackout: Formal Author Sign-Ups Now Closed
[info]bigbangblackout: Artists Sig-Ups - choices are due on Saturday, July 11, 2009 at midnight GMT

[info]snapenews: Issue #711
[info]snupin_prophet: June 28-July 7, 2009
[info]dailysnitch: Tuesday, July 7, 2009

[info]snegurochka_lee: Weasley Fest recs, part 1
[info]oryx_leucoryx in [info]snapedom: When did Severus defect from Voldemort?

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2009-07-06 17:49
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]alisanne: Together - Harry/Draco; G
[info]angela_snape: Temptations - Bill/Neville; R
[info]bonfoi: Up in the Attic - Severus/Remus; R

Works In Progress:
[info]mrscake: A Hogwarts Christmas Carol - Updated with chapter 2/? (Remus/Severus; PG)

[info]torino10154: Detour - Draco; PG
[info]torino10154: The Third Dreams - Severus/Draco, Harry; R
[info]ellid: Milwaukee I - Severus/Remus; NR
[info]tgp: Lemons - Severus/Remus; PG
[info]torino10154: Under the Influence - Harry/Ron; PG-13

[info]didodikali: Professor Sprout, in the Greenhouse, with Mandrakes - Professor Sprout, Lavender, Parvati; NC-17
[info]zhyn: A miscellany of Snupin - Remus/Severus; PG

Community News:
[info]harry100: Posted a new prompt
[info]percy_ficathon: Posted the 2009 reveals
[info]draco100: Posted a new prompt

[info]longbottom_wkly: Posted a new issue for July 6
[info]snapenews: Posted a new issue for July 4-5

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2009-07-05 17:30
Subject: Sunday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]alisanne: Critical Research - (Severus/Harry, Ron/Pansy, NC-17)

Works In Progress:
[info]mrscake: A Hogwarts Christmas Carol - was updated with chapter 1/? (Severus/Remus, PG)
[info]jordangrant: Owned - was updated with Part 95/? (Harry/Draco, NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]rickey_a: Visiting Hours - was concluded with part 2/2 (Severus/Harry, NC-17)

[info]drachenmina: Cruising for a Bruising - (Harry/Draco, G)
[info]prayer_at_night: Ganymede in the Eye of the Beholder - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]bohemianspirit: The Naked Eye - (Severus/Charity, PG13)
[info]alisanne: Keeping Cool - (Severus/Remus, PG)
[info]alisanne: Good Instincts - (Bill/Neville, PG13)

[info]majmunka: Severus on Holiday - (Severus, G)
[info]andreanna: Happy Sky - (Severus/Harry, G)
[info]thanfiction: Heatwave - (Neville, G/PG?)

Community News:
[info]snape100: Posted their latest Challenge
[info]lupin100: Posted their latest Prompt

[info]dailysnitch: Posted their latest issue
[info]dailysnitch: Posted their Vincent Crabbe Special Edition
[info]sirius_news: Posted their latest Newsletter

<b>Editor's Pick</b>:
[info]thanfiction: Heatwave - (Neville, G/PG?)
Absolutely gorgeous pin-up style picture of our favorite Hogwarts Herbologist. 

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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January 2012