Asylum InformationBelow is information about the "Porn Battle" asylum on InsaneJournal. To join this asylum, click here. You may leave the asylum at any time. |
User: | porn_battle (83005) Porn Battle
the delicate whinny of erotica |
Name: | Porn Battle | ||||||||||
About: | PROMPTS ACCEPTED STARTING MAY 1!! Some days, you want to write deep, serious, plotty fan fiction that addresses complicated issues and deals with massive amounts of character development while exploring a whole canonical world. And some days? You just wanna write some porn, because, let's face it, porn is fun. We can't help you with days like the former, but the latter? For those days, there's porn_battle, Home of Insane Journal's Only Patent-Pending Occasional Floating Pan Fandom Porn Battle! So what, you ask, is a Porn Battle? The idea comes from any number of places; the original one was run on LJ by oxoniensis, who still runs them over there on occasion. In a nutshell, it's a win-win thing in which anyone who wants to comes up with porn prompts and anyone who wants to writes comment length (roughly 4300 characters) porn fic based on those prompts. For the sake of explaining this in more detail, I'll walk you through the process: 1. A post calling for prompts goes up on the comm. 2. Anyone who feels like it leaves prompts before the deadline (usually two or three days after the post goes up). That's right, you don't have to be a writer or a member of the comm and there is no obligation involved in putting up a prompt. Hell, since the comm is set up so that anonymous posters can post, you don't even have to have an IJ. 3. A post listing all the prompts, sorted by fandom, goes up. 4. Anyone who feels like it can take a prompt and write comment length fic which they post to the prompt list post before the deadline (usually three/four day period that includes a weekend). You don't have to be a member of the comm or to have left a prompt to choose one and write it out and you don't have to limit yourself; you can post as many prompt-based comment fics as you can manage to write before the deadline. 5. After the deadline, the fic you wrote is yours to mess with, post elsewhere, expand on or just mentally fondle. 6. We do it again a few months later. About prompts: For the sake of administrative ease, prompts follow a certain template. fandom/fandoms (spell out the name of your fandom/s, and if it's a crossover please start with that word), person/pairing/moresome, prompt word(s), prompt lyric/quote (optional) For RPF, please don't give us specific RPF fandoms, but please do tell us if it's based on actors, music, sports, or other. (If you don't give us a category, we'll assume it's "other". We're only human -- we don't know who every celebrity is!) Some examples: RPF (actor), Viggo Mortensen/Dominic Monaghan, fatigue RPF (sports), Reggie Miller/Mark Jackson, brotherhood Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney/Ronon/Teyla, outsider, I am just a poor boy/though my story's seldom told Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/Keller, readiness Crossover: Stargate: Atlantis/Stargate: SG-1, Elizabeth/Sam, fruity umbrella drinks Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supernatural, Buffy/Sam/Dean, competition, Anything you can do/I can do better/I can do anything/better than you Most quickie porn battles don't include the lyric prompt, it's just something a lot of us are used to from other prompt communities. You do not have to include a lyric in your prompt and of course, when you write to a prompt with a lyric, you are free to interpret it however you like. Please note something important here: we're all about being inclusive and so we welcome m/m, f/f, het, threesomes and moresomes in both FPF and RPF fandoms. About the porn fics: They must fit in one comment field, which means that you're limited to roughly 4300 characters. There's nothing to prevent you from taking what you've written and expanding on it after the battle is over but for the duration, one comment field is all you've got. For any number of good reasons, you must put your prompt (minus the lyric prompt if there is one) in the comment's subject header. If you give your ficlet a title you can put it there too. For example: SGA, John/Rodney/Ronon,Teyla, outsider or Pushing Past It (RPF (actor), Viggo Mortensen/Dominic Monaghan, fatigue) We also ask that you wait until the battle is over before you post your fic elsewhere. About the comm: Your mods are ladynero, jlsigman, and aikonamika. We want this comm to be a fun, friendly place that encourages porn, so if that's not what you're here for, why stick around? Finally: Although this is called a battle, it's not a competition in any real sense. You can be competitive if you like and try to write more fics than anyone else does, but the only prize is the satisfaction of knowing that you kicked some serious porn ass. :) And possibly, if we notice you standing head and shoulders above everyone else, we might make a mention of you in a post because, if we haven't already made this obvious, we do want to encourage the porn. | ||||||||||
Memories: | 2 entries | ||||||||||
Interests: | 16: anime, comment fic, fan fiction, femmeslash, fpf, games, het, moresomes, porn, rpf, slash, threesomes, tv, writing, yaoi, yuri | ||||||||||
Maintainers: | 3: | ||||||||||
Members: | 225: | ||||||||||
Watched by: | 154: ainokallas, akk, anatsuno, angiepen, annotated_em, ardwynna, aura183, aurynluna, automatic_data, badpenny, baggyeyes, beet, birggitt, blueswan, bordo, branchandroot, bridgetmkennitt, cadence, caia_comica, calime, carodee, carveus, casualmentegyn, catdevigri, cedara, ceria, cesare, chaosmanor, cheloya, ciceqi, cleflink, cmshaw, copracat, crafty_cobalt, dani_meows, danyellaskyler, darkrose, darlingfox, darthneko, data_warrior, dogmatix, dragonwrangler, dragovianknight, drich, drmarthajones, dustandroses, eaivalefay, elanor_pam, fiercy, flffybunnyslppr, florida_minxie, galateus, gardensgnome, glossing, grimmhill, hallava, hamimi_fk, hanase, hildigunnur, hphaeton, hullabaloo, icedark_elf, ink_on_the_page, intravenusann, irana, jlsigman, jrho, k8bnimble, katekintail, keija, ketchupblood, key_sama, kunenk, lady_famine, ladydey, ladynero, ladyofshadow, ladyseishou, lala, lisaroquin, luciusmistress, lunamazes, luthien, madargon, maerchen_mond, mahokiwi, marchingjaybird, marginalia, meimi, meowwl, mercurychaos, minusten, mischif, missizzy, mizstorge, mllesatine, monster_of_hope, montanaharper, moriath, mrkinch, nanthimus, nekojita, nimore, nonajf, novembermond, omnicat, orpheus_samhain, paian, pegunicent, penknife, plaidmutineer, qem_chibati, qwertyuiop, raisedbymoogles, rangiku, raubkatze, ravenmcsidhe, ravynstoneabbey, reijamira, rhianona, ricochetgo, riyu_riya,, saifai, scaley4, shiegra, shini_tenshi, shotgunreligion, sidewinder, skeren, snipervalentine, stewardess, stopthatgirl7, strawberry_smut, sveta_111, sweetmelodykiss, sweetsorcery, tabakat, tainted4life, tattooedsappho, telesilla, terrayndian, terrible_tues, the_reverand, thedivinegoat, tripoverhercats, uhhh_wut, undiscoverme, unseelie, veleda_k, ... | ||||||||||
Account type: | Free Patient |