May. 5th, 2009


WHO: Bianca Spinks and Michael Corner's family
WHAT: Bianca tells Michael's family about Michael.
WHEN: Tuesday, May 5nd, afternoon
WHERE: Michael's home
RATING: PG for saucy language

So, Tuesday afternoon found them in their respective places: Cecilia organizing next week's choir rehearsal material in the living room, Thomas looking at dirty magazines on the top bunk and Peter with his PlayStation in the opposite corner. )

May. 2nd, 2009


WHO: Seamus Finnigan and Bianca Spinks
WHAT: Seamus tells Bianca about Michael.
WHEN: Saturday, May 2nd
WHERE: St Mungo's

It was what Michael wanted. He loved this girl and Seamus had a job to do. He would tell her just how much. )

Apr. 16th, 2009


WHO: Seamus Finnigan and Bianca Spinks
WHAT: Seamus and Bianca have The Talk.
WHEN: Wednesday, April 16th, during lunch
WHERE: Gryffindor common room

Well then let's stay friends. We won't let affiliations and titles ruin anything. I know it's easy to say that and another to actually do it, but you and I are strong. )


WHO: Michael Corner and Bianca Spinks
WHAT: Bianca visits Michael in the Hospital Wing and Michael just drools.
WHEN: Wednesday, April 15th, during prefect rounds
WHERE: Hospital Wing
RATING: PG? There are mentions of owwies.

You know I've seen a lot of what the world can do and it's breakin' my heart in two because I never wanna see you sad, girl. )

Mar. 14th, 2009


Saturday, 14 March 1998

Who: Bianca & Michael
Where: Hogsmeade; Madam Puddifoot's.
When: 14 March 1998.
What: Cheesecake!

Rating: PG
Status: Complete, logged.

'Sometimes I feel like I might...explode, I suppose.' )

Mar. 5th, 2009


WHO: Padma Patil and Bianca Spinks
WHEN: Wednesday, 4 March 1998; before dinner and after Care of Magical Creatures
WHERE: Library
SUMMARY: Padma and Bianca study.
STATUS: Complete!

She wasn't sure what it all meant, but something about the conversation felt good to her. )

Mar. 3rd, 2009


Tuesday 3 March 1998.

WHO: Seventh-year Dark Arts students.
WHEN: Tuesday 3 March 1998; during Dark Arts.
WHERE: The former Dark Arts classroom.
WHAT: Cruciatus Curse examination.

STATUS: IC/OOC reactions.

Please post reactions for the seventh-year Cruciatus Curse exam here. As Malfoy at the very least refused, Parvati was also tortured almost continuously for ten minutes at the end of class until she wouldn't move on her own for hours and was as good as unconscious.

Feb. 20th, 2009


Friday 20 February 1998.

WHO: Alecto Carrow and NEWT-level Muggle Studies students.
WHEN: Friday 20 February 1998; during the respective sixth- and seventh-year classes.
WHERE: The Muggle Studies classroom.
SUMMARY: Alecto has some of her 'best' students read their essays about how Hogwarts has improved since Muggle-borns kicked out outloud in front of their peers.

STATUS: IC/OOC reactions.

Story-time! )

Feb. 19th, 2009


Thursday 19 February 1998.

WHO: Amycus Carrow and NEWT-level Dark Arts students.
WHEN: Thursday 19 February 1998; during the respective sixth- and seventh-year classes.
WHERE: The former DADA classroom.
SUMMARY: Amycus has another surprise for the Dark Arts students, and a mystery is solved ...

RATING: PG-13 to R.
STATUS: IC/OOC reactions.

It is a mystery. )

Feb. 14th, 2009


14 february 1998

Valentine for Michael Corner )


Padma's Valentine gifts - delivered in person (or via trusted messenger)

Valentine's Gifts for Parvati Patil, Mannan Patil, the DA, IS, Prefects, 7th year Ravenclaws, Theodore Nott, Bianca Spinks, and Malcolm MacFusty )


14 February 1998; Valentines.

Seventh year Gryffindor and Hufflepuff girls, sixth/seventh year Ravenclaw girls. )

Morag MacDougal. )

Bianca Spinks. )

Jan. 30th, 2009


Friday January 30 1998.

WHO: COMC students.
WHEN: Friday 30 January; during dinner.
WHERE: A large Transfiguration classroom.
SUMMARY: Students bring their Jarveys to dinner to show how well they've succeeded in teaching them manners and how to hold silverware.

STATUS: IC/OOC reactions.

Take your Jarvey to dinner day. )

Jan. 29th, 2009


Thursday 29 January 1998.

WHO: Amycus Carrow and NEWT-level Dark Arts students.
WHEN: Thursday 29 January 1998; during the respective sixth- and seventh-year classes.
WHERE: The former DADA classroom.
SUMMARY: Amycus Carrow has a special surprise for his Dark Arts students to conclude the year's lessons on the Imperius Curse and lead into the Cruciatus Curse ...

RATING: PG-13 to R.
STATUS: IC/OOC reactions.

Surprise pop quiz of DOOM! )

Jan. 24th, 2009


Saturday 24 January 1998.


WHO: The entire school, Amycus Carrow, the Ravenclaw and Slytherin teams, etc.
WHEN: Saturday 24 January 1998.
WHERE: The Quidditch pitch.
SUMMARY: A riot at the Ravenclaw vs Slytherin game explodes when Amycus Carrow unfairly favours Slytherin and Dumbledore's Army tries to inspire students to rebel.

STATUS: Narrative; IC/OOC reactions.

There were the usual jeers and cheers, as the teammates made their way up to the stands. )

Jan. 22nd, 2009


Thursday 22 January 1998.

WHO: Amycus Carrow and NEWT-level Dark Arts students.
WHEN: Thursday 22 January 1998; during the respective sixth- and seventh-year classes.
WHERE: The former DADA classroom.
SUMMARY: The NEWT-level Dark Arts classes are tested on casting the Imperius Curse on humans

RATING: PG-13, most likely.
STATUS: IC/OOC reactions.

Description and instructions. )

Jan. 12th, 2009



May 2009



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