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Oct. 25th, 2009


Tobias's birthday!

OKAY, I have been majorly failboating on this, buuut Saturday was Tobias's birthday, so after the MWP seminar thing he had some people over to his flat (assuming Mandy's approval) for cake and shenanigans. All the (not dead) Ravenclaws in his year were invited, but as it was a kind of last minute thing and he was telling people about it during the seminar, it's possible that invitations could've been extended to anyone else he had friendly interactions with.

I'm too lazy for an IC/OOC log as I don't think anything very interesting went on, but I just wanted to put this out there so people know it happened.

May. 11th, 2009


Another meme to attempt to tide us over.

Your character has just been given a drink full of VERITASERUM and now they have to tell the truth. Post your character's name and other characters can ask questions. They must answer honestly!

May. 10th, 2009


And now something to help ease the pain of Perdition closing-- a meme! Here I'm copy/pasting the very first meme posted in the OOC comm to be done all over again now. Have at it!


[ Note! These are all 100% FOR FUN. All responses should be in character. Nothing that happens in these memes are game canon, PERIOD, but we are hoping that you will grow more comfortable with your character and the dynamics with other characters while doing these! Also, they are totally inspired by TOFFS @ LJ ]

IN CHARACTER MEME THE ... SOMETHINGTH. I won't say in character meme the last.

' Would you rather... or...?' For example! Would you rather Professor Carrow the female or rub the feet of Professor Carrow the male? Would you rather eat a troll's toenail or bathe in lava? From the completely hilarious to the disparagingly mundane -- Your character comments with their name, and all the other characters ask questions!

May. 6th, 2009


This is just a reminder that tonight at 12am EST, all posting (journals/owls/logs) will stop. Placeholders posted prior to that time can still be filled in, but there will be no new posts for regular game-play. From then until Saturday at midnight, people can feel free to post epilogues for their characters. We will have a timeline for the next month posted at some point soon and more information about how we will handle the opening of the new community.

There are two other things to mention -- if anyone continuing is planning on using a different journal for the new, please let us know as soon as you can so we don't add their old journals to the community and everything. Lastly and very importantly, if there is anyone who would like to add anything to the final battle (be it in the interim or final sections), please let us know that you are planning on it immediately. We can wait until Saturday to calculate the final statistics on the battle, but we need to know who is planning on adding before we do it. So, please drop a comment here to let us know.

May. 4th, 2009


Q. Are you dead?

If the answer is no - Sweet!

If the answer is yes - When is your funeral?

May. 3rd, 2009


Notifications about Anthony's burial.

I just finished my narrative and therefore removed the note about this, so here it is again with some elaboration.

Anthony is being buried tomorrow (Monday) afternoon -- I'll probably put up an IC/OOC log for it, but I'm not sure yet -- and Padma, Terry, and Morag would have received brief letters this afternoon informing them about the date, time, place, and procedure. Those are the only three people whom his mother are aware of in terms of who his friends are (and who aren't dead themselves), but she would have added that if they knew anyone else who would like to come and be able to do so on such short notice, then they could be brought along -- but they do want to keep it small and simple, so no one should go overboard with it. They would also understand if anyone couldn't come, due to the short notice and/or recovering from injuries.

There would have also been a note at the end about how if anyone was thinking of getting flowers for the burial, it would be (vastly) preferable if the money that would have been spent on those was donated to a charity as a memorial gift instead; if anyone was unsure about which charities Anthony would have supported, they could owl back for a list.


I want you guys to know how much I love you all, so go HERE.

May. 2nd, 2009


SO. Everyone has been asking questions about the logistics of the aftermath over the next few days, and while we think that there should, of course, be some level of confusion in these things (because there's a lot going on and a lot to do and basically... everything is crazy). But we're going to make a post with a run-down of everything that you should need to know.

answers to your questions here! )

May. 1st, 2009



Boxers or Briefs?


Apr. 30th, 2009


So, our battle doc is so long we had to split it in two. SO, that's why the original doc you had stops at 7 (don't have a heart attack!), and why you SHOULD have an invite to a second doc.

If you don't have an invite to part 2, tell us so that we can invite you in case I missed someone/misspelled their email address!

And keep up the awesome work. We only have like, a day and a half left!

Apr. 29th, 2009



So in the midst of agonising over leaving her cheese behind, Morag yelled out something along the lines of "I want my bloody cheese!" ... and the RoR provided. Basically her things were transferred from Ravenclaw dorms to the RoR -- so. There you go :}


Just so that everyone knows, today's Dark Arts lesson consisted of more practice on the Killing Curse. The Muggles were both present and the Carrows invited students one at a time to attempt to perform the curse on Josiah. It would not have been mandatory, although it was implied that next week's lesson would be. So, any student who wished to attempt it was welcome to try as many times as he or she wished. Please bear in mind that this is an extremely difficult curse and there's once one person gets it right, that's the end of it! If none of the students were able to perform the curse, the Carrows would have done so at the end of class. Naturally, Ella would have been in hysterics the entire time.

Feel free to comment here on whether or not your character attempted the curse and whether or not it had any effect. This is for seventh years only, as tomorrow's Dark Arts class for sixth years will be formally canceled. Thanks, everyone!


Oh, and ONE MORE REMINDER -- the logs for the Final Battle will be posted beginning FRIDAY, 01 MAY. Please complete your logs on time -- we don't want to have to placeholder anything and it will be more effective if we do everything in one fell swoop. If you're having problems with your logs, PLEASE contact the mods immediately, otherwise please make arrangements to finish by Friday afternoon at the absolute latest.


Summary for the chase.

The log for Anthony, Padma, Susan, and Morag trying to take down the Carrows in their office is now up, but I'm going to put up a quick summary here as the event happened during the day this time when students would have been present in the hallways as they created a scene.

Shortly after classes ended around 3.30PM today (Wednesday), students might have seen the four of them running out of the Carrows' office, through the corridor, up the stairs, through another corridor, and up the stairs again -- for the sake of logistics, no one was on the seventh floor and there were no witnesses to them going into the Room of Requirement -- while being chased by Amycus Carrow. A number of spells were thrown back and forth (some hitting and some not, with a few bystander casualties), Padma and Anthony blew their covers as Carrow supporters, Morag was also knocked unconscious and had to be levitated in front of Susan as they ran, and though they had the female Muggle with them for a bit, she was knocked unconscious and had to be left behind before being taken back by the Carrows.

For DA members, they would have been briefed about what happened once the four of them entered the room, so there won't be a journal entry about it if they're all in there anyway.

Feel free to have had your character witnessed the shenanigans or heard wild rumours about what had happened! There were also one two unnamed students who got Stunned by accident (once by Padma and once by Anthony), if someone wants to claim those spots.

Apr. 27th, 2009




So for tonight's meme (cuz obvs we don't all have enough to do with fucktons of battle logs), your characters will post their craigslist personal ads. If you need an idea of what a craigslist personal ad is, I suggest googling since I do not want to link to those shenanigans (beware of any ads with pics unless you like foreskin).




The Lisa and Stephen log is complete and posted here, if you wanted to read!


We finally got the Mona & Ioan Easter break log finished, for anyone who would like to read it! Warning: duck overdose and lots of tl;dr.


Megs and I talked about the EPIC SEAMUS AND MILLICENT FIGHT TO THE DEATH and I thought I'd just give you a quick OOC rundown so people know what's what!

Basically Millie beat Seamus to a pulp. He got in a few shots (and hit her in the face with his sneaker) but she walked away with some aches and a few bruises. Seamus was less fortunate. When he got back to the RoR he was probably limping and holding his side/ribs and his face was a mess. He bled lots but he was smart enough to take his shirt off and cover his face while running to the RoR so he wouldn't leave a trail. Smart enough to cover his tracks but not smart enough to leave Millicent Bulstrode alone? I don't understand him either.

Apr. 25th, 2009


PLOT CALENDAR - April 27th to May 2nd.

PLOT CALENDAR for 27 April to 2 May. )

Plot will be light this week and next since we have less than one week (six days, to be exact) to complete the logging for the final battle. Thanks to everyone for continuing to do a great job. We hope to see everyone's logs complete for Friday night!


Hey everyone! This is just a reminder for today's plot -- after Susan escaped to the RoR, the Carrows were notified and brought the Hufflepuffs in for the same sort of questioning the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors have already received. We'd like for this to move some of the remaining DA members in Hufflepuff into the RoR, so please let us know if your character will be moving -- we'd like for this to happen no later than Monday.

Additionally, we still haven't heard from some people on this post regarding Redemption. As of right now, it looks like most of us will be carrying our characters over for a June 01 starting date.

And lastly, we sent out a reminder to everyone via email today to keep working on the docs, since there is less than one week before the final battle. If you are encountering problems with your logs or have discovered that you don't have enough time to finish or NPC, please let us know immediately so that we can make other arrangements. We really want to have this finished on time so that we can go out with a (complete!) bang.

The week after the battle will follow the original schedule -- post-battle owls, journals and logs can be posted until the end of Wednesday, after which players may post epilogues for their characters (for characters continuing on to Redemption, epilogues can still be posted if the player wishes) and on Saturday at midnight EST, Perdition will officially close.


Between lunch and dinner today, Hortense successfully snuck into the Hogwarts kitchens and did some baking therapy with a purpose. Following dinner, she meets with Ioan all covert-like and passes on a secret parcel with instructions for it to be delivered to the Sixth Year Boy's Dormitory and left on Grayson's bed after repeatedly telling him that he is not to breathe a word of any of this to anyone.

The parcel is a circular tin filled with these and with sealed note.

Just an FYI.

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