p a x
l e t a l e
At Pax Letale, an awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their deities. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

Posts Tagged: 'changing+woman'

Feb. 14th, 2011



And we laughed at the world...

Who: Naea, Kami (this could possibly change to open... we'll let you know. :P)
What: Biscuits, honey and Pillows!
Where: #607
When: Valentine's Day!
Warnings: You've lost that lovin' feeling? Well, PG-13 for now...
Notes: Naea comes to visit a very shut-in Kami whom she misses terribly...

They can have their diamonds, and we'll have our pearls. )

Feb. 11th, 2011



Greeting The New Year

Who: Kami, Shae
What: Kami believes that how you spend the first day of the new year is vital... And it probably is when you're facing down the gun of your own negligent self-care.
Where: Kami's apartment, all over Pax, Shae's apartment
When: January 1st
Warnings: Believe it or not, these two fade it to black!

New Year's Day is every man's birthday. - Charles Lamb )

Feb. 10th, 2011



New Year's Eve Bash

Who: Jack, Kami
What: Deciding to trust their newly renewed friendship and hoping that Jack isn't going to try anything funny, Kami accepts Jack's offer to ring in the New Year at an industry party.
Where: Somewhere posh and in the Hills
When: December 31st, bleeding into January 1st

New Year's is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions. - Mark Twain )

Jan. 26th, 2011



Day Late, Dollar Short

Who: Karin, Kami
What: Kami finally gives up on the OTC tests, sucks it up, and goes to the doctor. Poor Karin. That is not how she should meet her fellow residents.
Where: The sanitary sanctuary of the hospital.
When: January 18th
Warnings: None yet!

Fancy running into you here... )

Jan. 17th, 2011



Jack Skellington's Cookies

Who: Adam and Kami
What: Cookie baking... Is Kami hosting a Wilton seminar now?
Where: Kami's apartment, 607
When: Tuesday, December 14th
Warnings: Impromptu karaoke?

Deadly Nightshade! Frog breath? )

Jan. 15th, 2011


Who: Ren and Kami
What: People watching and drawing
Where: the Lobby
When: mid afternoon
Warnings: Probably none
Notes: Ren lost his sketch book (aherm Shae, you should return it sometime), so he's had to get a new one and is trying to fill it up with pictures again.

Ren walked down the stairs. )

Dec. 18th, 2010



"I don't know if there'll be snow..."

Who: Open!
What: A Hallway Holiday Gathering!
Where: Naea's apartment's open!
When: December 18, 2010 @ around 7:00 p.m.
Warnings: Well. Anything can happen here. You know this.
Notes: There's drinks and food and music. It's hard to go wrong.

'But have a cup of cheer!' )

Dec. 14th, 2010



Who: Mirza & Open
What: Mirza is home...
Where: His apartment
When: Early evening - December 14th
Warnings: Language but otherwise tame I expect.

Whatever Lola wants... Lola gets... )

Dec. 4th, 2010



gingah bread accidents

Who: Prudence & Kami
What: Pru stops by Kami's to bake gingah bread cookies, but her visions keep getting in the way D:
Where: Kami's apartment
When: December 4th, after 7pm
Warnings: TBD

holiday slasher xviii )

Nov. 16th, 2010



Hell of a Hangover

Who: Kami, Shae, and Jack
What: The morning after the Halloween party arrives cold and clear; time to face some consequences.
Where: Kami's apartment, 607
When: November 1st
Warnings: So far... definite nudity.

Just what the hell did I drink? )

Nov. 11th, 2010


It's Gumbo Night!

Who: Cara, Shae, Ren, Kami, Jack
What: It's Gumbo Night in #907, and Shae's invited a few of the neighbors to dinner. Well, Ren invited himself...
Where: Room #907
When: November 11, beginning around 7:00ish
Warnings: So far, just spicy gumbo.

I'm not inclined to resign to maturity )

Oct. 31st, 2010



What: The Halloween party continues, now with far more elaborate costumes...
Where: The Empty Grave
When: 9 p.m. until
Warnings: Just assume this one's going to get naughty.
Notes: This is the transformation post! Again, subject line denotes location. Go shed those mortal skins!

As it had been with Pax Letale, so it was with its tenants: The shift from mundane to immortal was somehow creeping but immediate, passing almost beneath notice until the change was complete. Clothing faded rather than being shed; some deities remained in their humans' attire, some wore their old familiar kit, but all were utterly changed. The DJ played on, bartenders and waitstaff wound through the crowd, guests from outside the strange apartment danced and talked and flirted still with the partners who had brought them, all of them oblivious to the inhuman nature of the beings beside them. But for the residents of Pax, everything was about to change.



What: Pax Letale Halloween Bash 2010!
Where: The Empty Grave
When: 6:30-9 p.m.
Warnings: Likely any and all. Enter at your own risk.
Notes: This is the party post for all Pax residents and guests in attendance, right up to the moment of transformation. Use your subject line to denote your character's location (i.e. 'By the door,' 'at the bar,' 'on the dance floor,' 'in a coat closet.')

The air in Pax Letale crackled with possibility all day Sunday. All week, excited chatter had filled the hallway and the forums; costumes had been carried in and out; speculation on what the party would entail were whispered. By Sunday, the energy surrounding the event held so much promise that it hardly seemed like just a Halloween party anymore; it was something more, and that sense was nearly kinetic.

The main ballroom in the haunted mansion that was The Empty Grave was expansive, but guests had already begun to arrive. When they entered, they found lush opulence withered and faded; grandeur, but with an eerie pall over it. It was perfect for Halloween - dark, ghostly, with a twisted Victorian edge to it. The bar was fully stocked, trays of h'ors d'oeuvres passed around and more substantial fare offered on ornate platters along one wall. A DJ was already spinning a mix of music that somehow managed to fit the theme and appeal to the eclectic demographic he was serving, and attractive (if ghastly) characters added flavor to the already colorful room.

The night had begun.

Oct. 30th, 2010



Who: Prudence & Kami
What: Cupcakes and awesome FX
Where: Pru's apartment, 209
When: 10/29/10
Warnings: Links to some gross pictures. Everything is fake, btw, but if someone doesn't like that kind of stuff, here's your warning.

you said i'm welcome anytime )

Oct. 26th, 2010



Spa Day

Who: Lia and Kami
What: A day at the spa can resolve so much tension, don't you think?
Where: Sedona Sunrise
When: 10/15/10
Warnings: Nothing worse so far than the unfortunate side effects massages always have on Kami.

Placeholder for a Gdoc.

Calgon, take me away... )

Oct. 25th, 2010



Easy Like Sunday Morning

Who: Mirza and Kami
What: Even exotic dancers and shop wenches have to have a day off sometimes.
Where: Starting in the lobby, on to Kami's apartment.
When: 10/24/10
Warnings: None at the moment.

Anyone up for brunch? )

Oct. 20th, 2010



Between you and me...

Who: Kami and Naea
What: Naea's bringing tools to save the day! And... girl chat ensues.
Where: #607
When: 10/20/10
Warnings: Nothing as of yet. We'll keep you updated.

I can honestly say that things can only get better. )

Oct. 18th, 2010


Who: Rick and Kami, part 2
What:  Rick doesn't take avoidance tactics very well, finds a rather direct method of getting some of Kami's time. 
Where: Kami's doorstep, possibly elsewhere afterwards
When: Monday October 18th, later evening.
Warnings:  NO IDEA, will warn if need be. 

Oct. 17th, 2010


A Whole New World [Backdated]

Who: Rick and Kami ([info]sugar_cycle)
What:  A power lunch between the two stars of the Aladdin musical (not really but he'd call it that)  
Where:   Adventureland!  At a bakery near the musical grounds.
When:  Early September, noon on a slow weekday.
Warnings:  THEIR INNOCENCE IS LIKE TWO PUPPIES YAPPING IN A FIELD OF FLOWERS.   Besides, there is nothing lewd to be done in the middle of a D-Land park (...well, yes there is, re: Kami and Jack.  But that is another tale.) 
Notes:  Story is in Google Docs!  Backdated to over a month ago, because Kami was playing the Jasmine when Rick started working at D-Land.

I've come so far/ I can't go back / To where I used to be...



Who: Shae and OPEN TO ALL (AGAIN)!!
What: How 'bout a round?
Where: Bottoms Up Tavern, Northwest Anaheim
When: October 8, around 8PM, after the paintball extravaganza
Warnings: Alcohol? Music? Large, rowdy gathering? C'mon, something's gonna happen.
Notes: Same story as the last. Sub-threads for separate character interactions, yadda yadda yadda.

Whisky gin and brandy/With a glass I'm pretty handy. )