p a x
l e t a l e
At Pax Letale, an awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their deities. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

Posts Tagged: 'freyja'

Feb. 6th, 2011


[Open] "Green Bay will feel Hammer time"

Who: Open!
What: Seventh Floor Superbowl Party
Where:  Rick's apartment (706), Pia's apartment (708), Samuel's apartment (707),  the hallway, and wherever else the party might leak to
When: February 6th 2011, 3 PM -  10 PM
Warnings:   Usual party warnings, anything can/might happen when you get a pile of god-possessed people drunk in the same place.

Notes:  The noise from the party can probably be heard from the sixth and eighth floors.  Game starts at 3:30 PM.  Totally feel free to riff on the halftime show/commercials as you please.   I, Sage, actually am at work all day today (boo), but you can assume that Rick will greet your character during the party.  I'll be around in the evening to post. 


Superbowl is more than a football game.  To many, it is a celebration of the spirit of America itself, maybe moreso than the Fourth of July.  Because today, more than any other, men and women live to celebrate their united right to get drunk with a group of friends and strangers and scream at the television.   

And the black, yellow, white and green colored balloons and streamers, and tiny themed Nerf footballs lining the seventh floor hallway was the first indication that Superbowl mania had infected at least part of the building.

Dec. 27th, 2010



Who: Cara and Zio
What: Cara drops off her business card and finds Zio at home.
Where: Pax D5
When: Early Evening

Flying first class, living my life. )
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Dec. 18th, 2010



"I don't know if there'll be snow..."

Who: Open!
What: A Hallway Holiday Gathering!
Where: Naea's apartment's open!
When: December 18, 2010 @ around 7:00 p.m.
Warnings: Well. Anything can happen here. You know this.
Notes: There's drinks and food and music. It's hard to go wrong.

'But have a cup of cheer!' )

Dec. 11th, 2010


Who: Ren and Cara
What: Looking for a "get well" gift for a friend in the hospital
Where: Cara's flower shop
When: Mid afternoon

Ren sniffed a little bit )
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Dec. 2nd, 2010



we take it day by day

Who: Charlie, Cara, & Zio
What: Charlie is fixing her bike. Cara poked the bear. Zio joined in on the fun.
Where: Parking lot of Pax.
When: November 28th, around 5ish.
Warnings: Swearing will undoubtedly be encountered, but I'll let yah know if anything else occurs.

welcome to the jungle )
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Nov. 23rd, 2010


Flowers and First Meetings

Who: Cara and Navid
What: Navid takes up Cara on her standing invitation to all Pax Residents to visit her shop.
Where: The Flower Petaler
When: 4:00 PM
Warnings: None foreseeable!

There are so many colors in a flower )
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Nov. 11th, 2010


It's Gumbo Night!

Who: Cara, Shae, Ren, Kami, Jack
What: It's Gumbo Night in #907, and Shae's invited a few of the neighbors to dinner. Well, Ren invited himself...
Where: Room #907
When: November 11, beginning around 7:00ish
Warnings: So far, just spicy gumbo.

I'm not inclined to resign to maturity )