March 4th, 2008

[info]drcameron in [info]paraooc

Apparently I fail at RPing...

Hey everyone, I'm apologizing yet again for being so incredibly lame when it comes to RPing lately. My life was/is insanely busy, and I just spent last weekend chaperoning my church's youth group at a massive youth rally (But I would not be lying if I said it was the best weekend of my life! More on that later if anyone is interested. Also, any Family Force 5, Fresh IE, or Starfield fans out there - if so holla plz!), sorry I didn't get a chance to post about that before hand.

I'll try to catch up tonight and tomorrow. Unless of course you'd rather drop those threads cause they're that old :P Let me know if you do.

- Kirsten (Claire L, Nico M, Bastila S, Lavender B, Juliet B, Princess Mia, Sabé, A Cameron)

[info]ex_jainasolo771 in [info]paraooc

Hey folks, QueenC here with another character: Jaina Solo

She's not new, necessarily, since I have played her before in this game, but I am bringing her in from a later point in canon when she's a bit older, a bit wiser, and a bit more capable of pwning her grandfather of helping out in L.A. and whatnot.

Anywho. Since she did have some plots with people before, I'm saying she was here in the game before as her younger self. She has no memory of this fact, of course, but your characters can feel free to remember her if you want. :)

I can be found on AIM at queenofcordyland or email ( if you want to play/plot!

[info]ex_wondy889 in [info]paraooc

Hey, all, Mel again! I got approved with Wondy here, so feel free to plot with Miss Diana Prince at will.

She is coming in at current canon for her, so that means she knows people like Clark, Kara, and Bruce as Superman, Supergirl, and Batman respectively. It shall be much fun to discover they aren't quite the same here...!

Of course, anyone else is free to know of her from comics, if they exist in your characters original world. Nothing like seeing a real life Amazon, hmm?