Feb. 28th, 2008


Hi everyone! I'm Katie, and I'm a new mun around here. I'm pretty boring, so I'm going to tell you about Charlotte, and then tell you about me, okay?

This is Charlotte Doyle, the protagonist of the Avi novel The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. For those of you who might not have read the book and would like to, spoilers for the whole thing are in the bio I posted in her journal. But here's what you have to know about her without ruining quite as much of the book. Charlotte's a nearly-15-year-old sailor on the Seahawk, a ship belonging to a cotton merchant that makes trips from Providence, Rhode Island to London, England. She was born in Providence in 1818, but when she was seven she moved with her family to London. When she was 13, her father made the decision to move the family back to the States, but Charlotte was in the middle of a term at her finishing school. So Dad enrolled her as a boarding student and booked her ship home separately at the end of term. Long story short, necessary mutiny ensued on the ship against its captain, during which Charlotte shed her ladylike manners and clothes and became One of the Gang.

Charlotte's quite a capable young sailor and doesn't get easily flustered in odd situations, though traveling 170 years forward in time is probably going to freak her out just a tad. She's also not used to being completely by herself, which will prove a challenge for her. Her arrival thread should be up shortly.

You can reach me as well as Charlotte at ils se promenent on AIM if you want to discuss plottish things. If you prefer e-mail, you can find it in the locked contact info thread which I'll be replying to soon. I purposely chose a character without any "powers" as my first here so I can kind of get a feel for how things are run here and what kind of "rules" exist within the universe without having to throw some kind of witch or vampire or something into the mix from another fandom.

Geez, that got long. But in short, I'm excited to be here! :)