March 3rd, 2008

[info]thebigbad in [info]paraooc

Hey guys! I'm heading down to Florida to visit some family tomorrow, so I might be a little less active throughout this week and a little of next. I know I'll probably be popping on and off the internet, but I probably won't be around as much as I normally am. So! My reps will probably be slower than usual, but I promise I'll get them done whenever I have a chance.

- MJ (Ron Weasley, Xander Harris, Spike)

[info]witchseeker in [info]paraooc

Julia for the last time (I promise) here with Hunter Niall from the Wicca/Sweep/Dark Magic series. If you've ever read the series, he's just come over from book.. crap.. book something where he was watching Cal carefully but he ended up here instead. He's 19 years old, a witch (not a warlock) and is a seeker for the International Witches Council. Which basically means he seeks out all the nasty witches and the witches the council wants. Dangerous job, but someone's gotta do it. He's a bit confused at the moment by the lack of the sun, and is extremely worried that the dark wave, which has killed many witches before him is upon him. He wants to right it because everything is all out of balance. Erm.. He's never used a wand, he relies on rites, rituals and the elements plus spells and he's English. ;D Because I just have a thing for playing English boys.

If anyone wants to plot with him, you know what to do. :D I'm also on AIM as tame the donuts but you're pretty much a celebrity if I sign on for you.