Feb. 29th, 2008


Hello, hello! This is Jay with a new character. This is Ella from Ella Enchanted. She is from the movie version, not the novel, and was brought in right after she and Prince Charmont got married. And, to make things fun, her curse is back so she will do whatever she's ordered to do. This can be used for good or bad purposes. It depends.

If anyone wants to plot, you know where to find me! I thought it would be fun for her to run into someone who has the same face, a.k.a. Princess Mia. That is, if she's still around.

In addition, if you want to scene with Toph, Ty Lee or Jazz, just drop a comment or ping me on AIM :)

Feb. 25th, 2008


Yay for whoring out chars. Okay...not literally, but you know what I mean.

Anyone want to scene? I've currently got Toph, Ty Lee, and Jazz.

Jan. 7th, 2008


Hey, hey, hey. Jay here who is also a newbie around here. I originally brought Toph from Avatar into the game and now I am bringing in Ty Lee, the bubbly little acrobat who can paralyze you with her bare hands :) Doesn't she sound fun? Yeah, she is a former circus performer and one of Azula's right hand girls. She can be a flirt. Fighting wise, she uses taijutsu and acrobatics. Overall, Ty Lee's just a boatload of fun!

So, interaction with Azula would be great, but the more the merrier!
