Mar. 7th, 2008


Right, so as Ron already mentioned on graffiti somewhere...Lavender was really into Divination and probably like Trelawny is really bad at it. But I was thinking how Trelawny did have some good visions and maybe Lavender comes out with one too? And goes all Trelawny, with the wheezing, the rolled back eyes and the scary voice?

I was also thinking how much fun it might be for Lavender to become a full fledged werewolf (for me it would be fun...not for her). I have no idea how this would happen though.

Anyways, until my internet connection is working nicely again (my puppy pulled it out of the wall and it keeps crashing on me...hence no AIM :O), if you wanna plot hit me up here.

- Kirsten

Also this icon is best expression ever imo!

Mar. 4th, 2008


Apparently I fail at RPing...

Hey everyone, I'm apologizing yet again for being so incredibly lame when it comes to RPing lately. My life was/is insanely busy, and I just spent last weekend chaperoning my church's youth group at a massive youth rally (But I would not be lying if I said it was the best weekend of my life! More on that later if anyone is interested. Also, any Family Force 5, Fresh IE, or Starfield fans out there - if so holla plz!), sorry I didn't get a chance to post about that before hand.

I'll try to catch up tonight and tomorrow. Unless of course you'd rather drop those threads cause they're that old :P Let me know if you do.

- Kirsten (Claire L, Nico M, Bastila S, Lavender B, Juliet B, Princess Mia, Sabé, A Cameron)

Feb. 24th, 2008


Kirsten here. I'll be getting caught up on my tags and posts tonight/tomorrow. I'm really hoping my second week of my new job will be smoother then the last one *crosses fingers* I am also bringing in Allison Cameron from House. I'm bringing her in part way through season two, so no season three or four for her :) three (*fails*). She hasn't really developed a relationship with Chase, and didn't quit.

She's come here to help with any of the medical issues of having no sun, and she is definitely up for plotting XD

So yeah...that is about it really :)

- Kirsten (Claire L, Bastila S, Nico M, Lavender B, Juliet B, Princess Mia, Sabé, and now Allison Cameron)

Feb. 3rd, 2008


Hey everyone. Kirsten again with another new character.

I'm bringing in Sabé from Star Wars. She was Padmé's decoy/handmaiden in The Phantom Menace (and she really deserves more EU information! So I really hope George Lucas would not murder me for my version of Sabé if we met!).

Sabé is probably going to freak out a little, at least mentally. I've always viewed her as being calm, cool and collected - at least around other people. She has breakdowns and what not when she is alone, and has several insecurities...but yeah.

And yup, we've got another Keira PB. It might be fun if all of the Keira faced ladies met up, lol. (Sabé would blame the Sith for other people having the same face as her "it's a test! This is some sort of sick test!")

Sabé is up for plotting, as are my other ladies. Feel free to hit me up on aim, or post a comment here :D