Mar. 23rd, 2008


I swear I'm a masochist...

Because I just keep picking up more characters! And today I present Adam Park, who was once the Black Ranger in MMPG, and later became the Green Zeo Ranger and...stuff. He's only able to morph into his black form, as that was the last form he was in in the "Once a Ranger" episode. On that note, he's coming in after said episode (not directly after it, like a week later or something?) and he's 28. I'm open for plot for him or any other character that I have. ^_^

~Korrin [Psylocke. Yuna. Bumblebee. Jack Sparrow. Claire Bennet. Adam Park. Narcissa Malfoy]

p.s. Happy Easter/Fluffy Bunny and Egg Hunt/Zombie Day!!

Mar. 8th, 2008


Stupid wanting!

So, I'm insane, and there's no way I could right now, but I totally want to pick up Jasper Hale from Twilight, Adam Park from Power Rangers, Miles from LOST, and/or Jeffrey Nothing. x_X

Mar. 2nd, 2008


Hellos and goodbyes

Ack, I forgot to post this! Korrin here, bringing you the lovely Narcissa Black-Malfoy of the Harry Potter verse. I couldn't decide where to bring her in, but I've settled on post-Deathly Hallows.

Also, I dropped Obi-Wan, much to my not wanting to and stubbornness and yeah. His muse wasn't stirring anymore, but I'm keeping his journal in case I wish to play him again, because I do adore him so. ^.^

SN is SilentBroknZebra.

Feb. 26th, 2008


Attention players!

I have an idea I want to do with Psylocke. She's being selfish (big surprise) and pissy and wants to hire an assassin for the Spy. By doing so, she wants to see who's best suited by peeking into everyone's head. Of course, I'm letting y'all decide who's head she can get into and what she can see. No way am I godmodding. I figure other telepaths are more than welcome to feel her and block her out. With the assassination thing, it will fall through, so no killing Exxie's character, I promise, but I thought it could be fun. She could pop in mid-thought, she could see things unrelated and wouldn't want to, etc, but it's also my/her hope to find someone to play assassin. So whoever is up for that, lemme know as well. Like I said, at the last minute, she'll back out. And Exxie (or Mods), if you're against this period, I'll totally scratch the idea. ^_^


EDIT: I was planning on doing this as a thread and letting whoever post with the thoughts she sees. Just a FYI. *LoL*

Jan. 2nd, 2008


Batch 1 of "the" icons

Here are the first batch of icons I made. Please to be crediting silent_zebra @ LJ. If you do not like your icon or want something added, I'll kill you later, please don't hesitate to say something. There's no need keeping an icon you don't like or won't use and I don't mind re-making it. Really!

Enjoy )